Mr. Clemonte

Bowie Faulkner knew the man in front of him to be one of the richest men in the underground world who still managed to keep his private life from insignificant people. He is also a man who managed to hide his billions of properties without being questioned by the government. Not to mention his name and identity were never heard of but his properties all over the country spoke of luxury. A luxury that even he, Bowie Faulkner failed to enjoy.

"I don't trust people," Leo, who is holding a different identity, replied impassively.

Bowie chuckled. He too doesn't easily trust people but because he is rich and has a lot of potential enemies, he needed people to protect him which he thought that the man in front of him should be doing as well. "But people like us need protection, if you know what I  mean," He said.

"I only trust myself to protect myself," Leo replied as he kept his face void of emotion.