Time For Gossip

Nora and Rhys' words kept repeating in Timothy's head. They think that he and Megan will not last. Because they think that he would stop Megan from doing what she wants. And he thought that they were right. He doesn't like the idea that Megan could easily put herself in danger because of her job, because of being fearless, because she always believes that she doesn't need anyone, that she doesn't need any man.

But he also knows that nothing can stop Megan. Not even him and if he tries to stop her, he would lose her. And he was right. 

"You know what my answer to that is," Megan said as she tried to weigh down Timothy's emotions. 

Timothy didn't respond for a couple of seconds and just stared at Megan. After a while, he said, "I know. That is why I am not telling you to,"