Ignorance is Bliss

"You are so unfair," Nora said and pursed her lips. She pulled her hands from Damien and then placed them on her lap. She looked away from him as she tried to keep her tears from falling. 

Was she touched by Damien's words?


Did she believe him?

Well, Damien made it sure that she could see the sincerity in his eyes. So, yes.

Is she going to give them a chance?

Definitely yes. 

But at the right time. And Nora thought that it was not yet the right time. There was still a lot in between them that she needed to consider. 

Bowie Faulkner, although it wouldn't take a day before he would be erased from the picture. 

The Robin Hood Society. Nora needs to ensure that Damien doesn't have an interest in the Robin Hood Society.

Then there is Belladonna Syndicate but then, they were erased already right?