The Tormentor

Leo stepped forward and placed his face in front of the iris scanner. It was followed by clunking sounds from inside the door. Then the door became slightly ajar. Leo stepped aside and then he turned to look at his son.

Leo and Timothy were almost identical to the point that it turned scary. Imagine two, cold, intimidating, ruthless, brooding, and blood-thirsty men standing in front of you. Though both were sinfully and devilish good-looking men, one look from them is enough to pray for their sins and beg for mercy.

There were only a few circumstances where these impassive men lowered their facade, that is only when they were with their trusted people. But not all have the privilege to see some emotions from them. Only their family and now Megan.

"Do I need to get inside?" Leo asked impassively though he knew what would be his son's response.