Answers To Where

The moment Nora stepped inside her apartment, she immediately noticed a presence that though has been welcomed in the past few weeks, annoys her currently. So, she decided to pretend that she didn't notice. 

Nora placed her bag on the dining table then she walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water from the fridge. When she went back to get her bag, she noticed food boxes on the dining table that she didn't notice earlier. Again, she pretended that she didn't notice. 

She could feel his gaze from the living room but decided to ignore that feeling as if her skin was burning. She picked up her bag and went to her bedroom. 

She heard his footsteps before she heard him say, "So, you are just going to ignore me?" When she turned around to go to the bathroom, she saw Damien Roald leaning on the doorframe of her bedroom. But she was successful in not sparing him a glance. As if she didn't hear him. As if he doesn't exist.