The Shameless Customer

Sadie was busy cleaning up in the kitchen with the help of her aide. They were just waiting for their last few customers to bill out so they could close the restaurant. 

Sadie's daily routine had turned out like that. She woke up early in the morning to jog on a trail that her father made for her and her mother in the mountains. It was a trail that his father made sure was safe for what he said were the most important women in his life. She could only be thankful for that.

Then she will have breakfast with her parents and if she is lucky, with Timothy as well if he is home. 

Then she will drive to her restaurant that was just on the boundary of Naupaka and Lotus City so it was nearer to their house. Sadie was actually thankful to her brother for finding that place for her because it was so convenient. 

Every day, she comes to the restaurant one hour before they open so that she could prepare the kitchen and her staff could set up the restaurant.