The Parkers and Sadie

"You seemed pissed when I arrived," Sadie asked. She walks to Nora's bed and lays there with her arms under her head and legs crossed. 

Nora asked her to sleep over and she immediately agreed. She could only hope that Megan is with them but unfortunately, they would have to wait for a couple more weeks. 

Nora walked to the bed and lay beside her with her back on the headrest. Her legs were crossed and her laptop was on her lap. "Oh, it was just Elijah was being an asshole," She said then she started scrolling on her laptop for a movie to watch later. 

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. When did Elijah never an asshole," She said. She could not remember a time when Elijah didn't piss someone off. But for some reason, only those who were close to him are getting pissed at him. Others only find him charming while being an asshole. 

Is that even possible?

Well for Elijah, it is. That's how powerful his charm is.