A Possible Future Collaboration

Elijah had already realized that he probably did go overboard a little bit in pissing her off. Maybe not just a little bit. But hell would freeze first before he would come and apologize to her. His ego was too big for him to do that. 

So, he would just wait for her to cool down until everything goes back to how it used to as if nothing happened. 

But when he entered the restaurant, he saw Sadie sitting at a table, talking and laughing with a man as if she was having the time of her life. That was the least he expected. He knew that the man was probably a customer who wanted to meet the owner and the chef of the restaurant because Sadie is still in her uniform and it was not uncommon. 

But seeing her talking and laughing with that man, he felt a single prick inside his chest. And it was followed by many more.