Homemade Pancakes

But Sadie doesn't feel the same. She still looked hesitant. But she doesn't want to outright refuse him. She looked at Dylan as if asking for his opinion but the latter only smiled at him reassuringly. "Mm…maybe we could discuss the terms," Sadie said instead.

Harv grinned widely. "Sure!" Then he looked back at his pancakes. "Damn! Homemade pancakes! I haven't had this in a while,"

"Pancakes?" Sadie asked as if she heard it wrong. 

"Homemade pancakes," Harv corrected her without looking at her while he continued to eat as if he hadn't eaten for days. 

Sadie just stared at Harv as if he spoke an alien language. Homemade pancakes were almost eaten regularly at her home. Sometimes, she has it as a snack or whenever she feels like it. In fact, her mother always has ready-to-cook batter in their fridge. She thought that it was normal but it looks like not every house was like that. Not everyone was as privileged as her to have regular homemade pancakes.