One Ear At A Time

"When Novus Rex realized that marriage was impossible, they resorted to killing my mother, which led to their demise. Bloodroot Clan on the other hand was just following orders from a certain politician to assassinate my mother. Obviously, they failed immensely," Nora continued.

"Which led to their demise as well," Damien guessed.

But Nora shook her head. "Actually, no. The fall of the Bloodroot Clan was not because of us," 

"You mean it was not the Robin Hood Society who killed their bloodlines?" Damien frowned in confusion because it was what people assumed and it was what Nora made it sound like earlier.

Nora looked up at him with terror in her eyes. "No! As much as possible, we don't resort to such kind of violence unless they asked for it," Nora defended that Society which Damien understands. 

"So, who killed their bloodlines?" Damien asked.

"An assassin," Nora simply replied. 

"An assassin that you hired?"