Love And Hate

"It is inevitable, sweetheart. If there is love, there is always pain. If you are going to love someone…expect to be hurt either at the beginning…halfway or in the end. But no matter what…pain was supposed to make you a better person if you handle it well," Diana said based on her own experience. Her love for her husband caused her too much pain in the past but she still continued to love him. In the end, it was all worth it. 

One could fall in love with a person and get hurt. Whether they end up together or not, the pain will still serve as a great experience and lesson for them.

"I feel bad because Dylan is such a good person. I don't want to lose him as a friend," Sadie said as she rested her head back on her mother's shoulders.

"I am sure he wouldn't want to lose you as well," Diana reassured her. "But how did he know that you would say no?"

Sadie's body tensed for a moment before she spoke. "He…he said that my heart belonged to someone else,"