A Surprising News

When Sadie reached the deck after her momentary shock, she found the guys had already laid the food on the table and Sadie was quick to notice that most of the food was fried and grilled. But still, it was an effort and Sadie really appreciated it.

"We originally planned on cooking here but knowing you, you would just boss us around so we decided to cook in Matthew's place," Mason said when he noticed her looking at the food on the table. 

"More like turning my place upside down," Matthew groaned but he doesn't look like he really minded at all. Matthew's pad was spacious but still, having eight men in the kitchen would be a nightmare. It was something that Sadie was not looking forward to. Although they have been in her apartment, since her kitchen was small, she never lets them near it.

Sadie just smiled at them and said, "Thank you for this," Though she said that she had enough of crying and if she would, this time it would be happy tears.