Getting The Parents’ Blessings

The next morning, Elijah found himself standing at the doorsteps of the Hayes' residence. He sighed in relief when he didn't see Leo's car in the garage. Not that he is afraid to face him again considering that Leo seemed to have given his blessing yesterday, though not directly. But for some reason, Elijah feels awkward being in the same space as Leo. Maybe it was because he is in love with his daughter. It will probably take time for him to get used to it.

Elijah raised his hand to knock on the door. He heard an instant answer from inside the house coming from Diana and then it was followed by footsteps. When the door opened, Diana smiled as if she had already known that it was Elijah who was knocking on their door and that she had already expected it. 

But Elijah noticed the dark circles under Diana's eyes. It seemed that she had a long sleepless night and that got him worried. Not just about Diana but about Sadie as well.