Gossip Girls

While Sadie is having the time of her life despite her sickness, Nora and Megan are hanging out at the latter's place. 

It was Megan's day off and decided to go back to her apartment to clean it. Megan is rarely staying at her apartment because Timothy doesn't want her to leave his apartment. In fact, he has been convincing her to move in with him and has been considering finding a bigger place for both of them. But Megan just cannot seem to let go of her apartment. 

And just when Megan finished cleaning her apartment, Nora called her and asked where she was. When she told her her location, Nora said that she was coming over. 

Coincidentally, it was also Nora's day off. Damien is in his town and was supposed to pick her up later that afternoon so they could spend time at the lighthouse. But before that, Nora wanted to hang out with her best friends because it has been a while since they saw each other.