A Reason To Come Back

Leo cocked his head confused about his son's question. "Are you having nightmares?" He asked, wondering why his son would have nightmares. 

He wonders if he is being bullied at school that is why he is having nightmares or if he experiences something that he shouldn't have. His face turned grim, if that is the case, it looks like he will be very busy these coming days.

But Timothy shook his head. 

"My Mom is always having nightmares. I wanted to chase her nightmares away but I can't," Timothy trailed and looked down at his hands that were on his lap. He looks disappointed in himself.

Leo immediately understands what Timothy is talking about Diana having nightmares. He learned from Madam Victoria that Diana was diagnosed with PTSD after she was rescued. And since then, she was suffering from nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety aside from her fear of men.