The Knots Has Been Tied

It has been a couple of days since William Hart was arrested. And since then, his restaurants and clubs were temporarily closed. 

"What did the man do to you?" President Martin asked Leo. The Robin Hood Society has members that work in almost every police station. He found out from one of the council members who is also a Police Official that their team was the one who investigated and arrested William Hart. And it was Leo who gave them the tip.

The Robin Hood Society's involvement with William Hart's arrest made President Martin flustered because as far as he remembered, except for being suspected as the one who was sending his daughter death threats, either William Hart or his family never crossed them.

"He is a threat to Diana's safety," Leo simply replied, making Madam Victoria look up from her book. 

Peter, who was standing behind President Martin's office desk, looked at Leo but his face remained void of emotion.