Waiting Hopelessly

Alice POV

It has been two weeks now since that night and I haven't seen 'pancake' since then. 

That night was the most wonderful night I ever had. With him in front of me, sharing the tranquility of the night just sipping on his tea. While I was just reading my book. 

I feel so comfortable around him considering that I don't even know his name. I am not sure if he knows my name either. We are practically strangers to each other but I feel so familiar with him. 

It was just so natural. 

And yes, we didn't talk that night except for the short exchange of words which doesn't give much information about each other. So, technically we still haven't got to the stage of getting to know each other even if it is just as friends.

He left that night hurriedly after that call. He didn't even say goodbye or good night. Well, what do I expect?

I wonder what was that call about? Or who called?