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Chapter 2

2:37 pm


You flopped onto your soft bed, and sighed, as the smell of freshly washed sheets filled your nose. You could stay there all day, sprawled on your bed, soaking up the softness, but you had work to do. You groaned, lightly and sat up, as you replayed what happened at school today in your mind.

{Rose... she's a nice person...but I can't shake off the feeling that something's wrong...}

"Um, Miss?" You jumped, startled at the voice. You looked to where the voice appeared, to find a girl with short brown hair and dark chocolate eyes standing outside of your room. Ochako Uraraka, your assistant. She's a considerate kind girl. Almost too kind for an organization like this. Nonetheless, she is strong and reliable. She was someone who could hold off her own in a fight with anyone. You internally let of a sigh of relief, thinking your were lucky that it wasn't someone trying to murder you.

"You really should stop doing that, Ochako. And I also told you to call me by my actual name when we're alone." You said, standing up from the bed and walking over to her, shaking your head. She smiled, apologetically, relaxing her posture a bit. 

"Sorry, Y/N. Anyways I have your schedule for today." She said, handing me a clipboard as she walked inside. Ink in her delicate handwriting filled the page, stating all the tasks I had today. While I scanned the paper, she started listing the tasks.

"Agent Izuku Midoriya has requested to train with you from 3 o' clock to 5 o'clock. After that, you have some paperwork to fill out. The last thing you are required to attend a meeting tonight at 9 o' clock with the entire staff. Mistress Inko has something she wants to announce." She said, in a professional voice. You would usually be caught off guard whenever a meeting came up, especially if your mother has to announce something. However, this time you were unfazed and already knew what the meeting was about.

{But what's Mom going to do about it?}

You decided that you shouldn't worry about that now. First things first, training with Izuku. You glanced at the time. 2:45. That left you with about 15 minutes to get ready. You glanced at Ochako, who was standing patiently, hands clasped behind her back, back straight. 

"Thank you, Ochako. Have you checked in with Izuku?" You asked, your mouth forming into a smirk. As soon she heard your older brother's name, her face flushed a light pink. Yet, she was able to remain professional. From a young age, you noticed that Ochako got easily flustered around your older brother. And it's clear that not much had changed.

"U-uh, yes." She stuttered. You stifled a giggle. She definitely noticed, but she stayed quiet, her blush increasing by the second. You gave her a look that said 'we'll talk later about it.'

"Okay, Ochako, you may leave." You said, bowing your head. Ochako returned the gesture and left your room, shutting the door behind her.

You moved your eyes back to your schedule lightly, skimming the page, while your face morphed into seriousness, as your mind focused on business again. Training. You moved your eyes to the clock. You had roughly 12 minutes left. You sighed and walked over to your closet.

After changing into some black fitness leggings and your favorite light blue tank top, you grabbed some water, and headed down to the training rooms in the basement. Your house was basically a mansion with four floors, including a floor made just for training, with 3 sparring mats, a weight-lifting area, and plenty of treadmills.

It was a hike to get down to the training area from the third floor but by jogging you were able to make it with a minute to spare. 2:59.

You walked over to the sparring area in the far corner. You looked as you saw some of the newer agents training. They were being led by a boy who had half-red half white hair, along with one sky blue and one dull gray eye. Shoto Todoroki. You had a mutual respect for the boy, admiring the way he portrays a calm and straight-forward persona. You and him didn't talk much but you knew that Izuku and Todoroki were really good friends. He turned and acknowledged you by nodding slightly before focusing on the trainees again.

You gave a small smile then turned towards a different sparring mat where a boy with unruly green hair was stretching. Your older brother, Izuku Midoriya. He is often misjudged as a kind and shy person, however beneath the surface lies a slumbering demon, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash and attack. You don't dare try to unlock that part of him, knowing how dangerous it could be.

You always looked up to him. When he was younger, you would remember how he would jump at the slightest sound, his forest eyes always alert, darting around, like he was waiting to get scared. Now, he had the confidence to be a great leader, the perfect new head for the agency. You felt a surge of pride as you thought about your brother and how far he made it in life.

As you stepped onto the mat, barefooted, Izuku turned his head, mid-stretch and grinned at you. You took a moment to stare at your older brother. He was fairly attractive too, in your opinion, with his smooth delicate skin, his bright green eyes, and his freckles adorning his face. In a way, you understood how Ochako fell in love with this dork.

You put your water bottle in the corner, and went to the center of the mat.

"Agent Izuku Midoriya." You saluted, bowing down formally. He returned the gesture.

"Agent Y/N." He replied back. Then you both looked at each other for a second, before bursting into laughter. This was one of the many inside jokes you and your brother had from when you were children   Except now, it seemed as though that joke was becoming a reality.

"We used to do that all the time, remember?" Izuku said, ruffling your silver hair softly, while still giggling. His laughter hit you like a breeze of joy. All the stress you feel during the day went away in a second.

"Yeah, I remember." You confirmed, giggling, remembering how you and your older brother acknowledged each other as kids. Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed a couple of agents staring at the both of you, but honestly you didn't care if anyone was watching you two right now, or if you looked weird. You were with your brother and that's all that mattered.

After the laughter died down, Izuku walked to the center of the mat and positioned himself in a fighting stance smirking at you.



4:49 pm

Training Mat

Whenever you fought your brother, you would forget anything and everything around you. You only heard the labored breathing of you and Izuku and the loud sounds of skin slapping skin. Everything blurs into silence. It's just your brother and you. Sparring without a care in the world.

Your arms moved unconsciously blocking a roundhouse kick, before you returned an equally powerful kick to his side. You saw Izuku's face distort into pain, but his reflexes are quick and he grabbed your outstretched leg, throwing you off balance. You try to recover, but in less than a second Izuku took control of your arms and you were helpless.

Sweat dropped onto the mat as you felt your brother's strong arm wrap around your neck, lightly choking you. Izuku Midoriya defeated you once again. He released you as you gasped for air. You braced your arms on your knees, breathing hard as you felt the pounding pulse of your heart throughout your body.

Beads of salty sweat dripped from your forehead and ran down your face. Izuku sighed, grabbing a towel and tossing it to you. Then he grabbed his own, and rubbed the sweat off his face.

"Not gonna lie, there was a lot of improvement. Your kicks have gotten a lot stronger than before. But you have to do a lot better to beat me." He criticized, sternly, walking over to you. You looked up from your towel staring at your brother. You noticed how some of his green curls were plastered on his forehead from his sweat. His eyes were half-lidded from the exhaustion. Nonetheless, he still gave you a firm look, that let you know he was serious.

You nodded, familiar to his strict attitude and harsh criticism, still breathing heavily from the training session. You grabbed your water bottle and gulped down some of the cool water, relieving your heating body. You sat down and stared at your brother as he trudged slowly over to you. He stopped right in front of you and looked down at you, with an emotionless face.

Another thing you admire about your brother. He had an excellent poker-face that could make anyone's anxiety sky-rocket. You've obviously gotten used to it, and stared right back at him, with the same intensity that you showed your teacher in class. Hopefully, the look you gave him masked any of the feelings you had been bottling up the entire day. But you should've known that he could see past any disguise you put up. After all, he is Izuku Midoriya, your older brother.

He always knew whenever you were down. Sometimes, not even your mother would realize that something's wrong, but your brother would catch on and talk to you. This is also partly the reason why there were no secrets between the both of you. 

His emerald eyes lingered on your face for a second before his face morphed from emotionless to worry. You sighed, as he sat next to you. Again, he defeated you, and you knew it.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He said, concern evitable in his voice, "I noticed it in training too. You're worried about something."

You looked at him and gave him a tired smile.

"I can never hide anything from you, can I?" You said. Then you sighed, flickering your eyes towards Todoroki and the new trainees on the other mat, watching them practice their punches. Todoroki was walking past each one of them, yelling out orders and feedback.

"I'm just worried about today's meeting." You said, a pit forming in your stomach, "Mom never makes announcements unless it's something big." Izuku sighed and turned your face towards him. Your kaleidoscope eyes met his bright green ones, as he grasped your hand, firmly.

"I know. I'm also worried, but just know that no matter what, I'll be here for you, okay?" He said, comfortingly. You smiled, at the words, feeling a warmth spread through your body. Your brother was the only person that could make you feel safe, like hope existed in this broken society.

"Okay," you whispered, closing your eyes. Izuku chuckled, sensing the relief in your aura. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead, gently.

"Okay!" He said, his tone changing to cheerful, "Let's go get cleaned up. We have work to do." He stood up and offered his arm. You gladly accepted, allowing his strong arm pull you up from your sitting position.

"Alright!" You replied, enthusiastically. Izuku's grin became wider at the sudden surge of energy.

You might've not noticed it, but your older brother was proud of you. He remembers the first time he met you, your kaleidoscope eyes shy. You barely spoke, keeping to yourself. You were timid. But now, you were growing into a smart, beautiful, confident young lady. He was proud to call you his little sister.

Together you walked out of the training area with your brother, talking about each other's days. You were so focused on talking, you got distracted and accidentally bumped into someone. On instinct, you immediately bowed, and apologized, before realizing who it was.

"I'm so sorry!" You cried, shame burning through your body. Then you heard a familiar sweet laughter. You looked up only to find a woman with straight hair, in a shade of green identical to Izuku's hair color. Your loving mother.

"Oh, it's just you, mom." You said, relieved, "I'm still sorry though." Your mother, MIstress Inko, giggled.

"It's okay, sweetie!" Like her son, she was a super kind person. But you don't ever dare to cross her. She can be as deadly as she is sweet, although you never actually saw it in person. You also admired her, along with Izuku. Unlike the previous heads of this secret organization, your mother decided that she didn't need anybody and managed the whole place by herself. She was the perfect image of independence and woman power. Now, however, she's growing old, and Izuku is next to take her place.

"So where were you two heading off to?" She asked, curiously, snapping you out of your deep thoughts.

"Ah, we were heading to shower. We just finished training." Izuku spoke up, smiling at your mother.

"Ok I'll leave you both to it,  but before that...can I have a kiss, please? From both of you?" Mom said, grinning at us. You knew that a lot of classmates at school detested showing affection to their mothers. During conversations you would overhear them arguing about how annoying their mothers are. You and Izuku are the complete opposite. You love your mother so much and would do anything for her. So would Izuku.

"Of course, Mom!" You replied, smiling at her. You and Izuku leaned towards your mother and gave her a kiss on each cheek. Then you both resumed walking towards your rooms, waving goodbye.

"Bye mom! Love you!" You both yelled in sync. She smiled and turned around, walking down the huge hallway while you and Izuku continued your previous conversation.


5:12 pm

Outside of Bedroom

"Well this is my room." You said, turning towards a huge wooden door. Izuku nodded.

"Okay Y/N! I'll see you at the meeting tonight." Izuku said, grinning, "And Y/N? Don't worry about it too much." His voice changed from cheerful to serious in a matter of seconds. You nodded.

You pushed the wooden door open and walked into your room. As the sight of your bed, you wanted to jump into the softness and lay there. However, you had your priorities set. You walked over to your desk across your bed, and saw that there were clothes already picked out for you--  black leggings, a dark red shirt, and a cardigan. Probably Ochako.

You pulled the shirt back a little to find a note wedged between the right sleeve. You pulled it out, curiosity filling your mind.

Who could've this be from? Ochako usually never leaves notes...

You unfolded to small paper. This handwriting...


Thought I would pick out some clothes for you. Don't worry there are no dresses. I know how much you hate them. I'll see you at the meeting later. Bye sweetie! Enjoy the surprise!


You grinned as you read the elegantly-written note and giggled slightly.

{I can't believe that she remembered that I hated dresses. She's really amazing.}

You thought about how the first time Izuku tried giving you a dress as a gift. You remembered the excitement in his eyes, as he handed the dress, muttering about how nice it would look on you. It was quite a beautiful dress. A snow-white dress adorned with a multicolor flower print. Quite the beauty.

Alas, you absolutely hated it. You threw a tantrum, scaring poor Izuku into tears. You remembered how Inko was laughing as you attempted to throw the dress away with your stubby little hands. Izuku was crying and apologizing over and over again, thinking it was his fault. From then on, no one ever attempted giving you a dress.

Now that you think about it, you feel bad. After all, Izuku was just giving you a gift, and you broke down completely.

Your mouth pulled up the sides as you thought about the memory.

"Y/N!" You yelped, alarmed, as you turned towards the voice. Then you groaned once you recognized the person standing there.

"Ochako! How many times do I have to tell you?" You muttered, exasperated. She laughed cheekily, her brown hair bouncing up and down. You shook your head and sighed.

"What do you want?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. She walked over to you.

"Well, I saw you training, and it looked really tiring so I set up a bath for you. I'll give you a massage that way you can relax your muscles. We wouldn't want you pulling any muscles, do we?" She said, grinning.

You stared at her. Again, this girl is kind....too kind, and really good at acting. But you could see past her facade.

The little video game boxes appeared, pointing out every little detail.  You noticed how her brown eyes were tired, light eyebags surrounding them. Her posture was a bit less poised than earlier, her body slightly slouched. Her smile looked a little forced and her knees looked like they were about to give out.

Concern filled your mind. She also needed to take care of her wellbeing. You opened your mouth to say something but then you closed it. It's no use. She wouldn't listen to you. She's too stubborn.

{I'll talk to her later about it. After all, we still have that meeting.}

You gazed at her before sighing. You grabbed your clothes and replied with,

"Thanks, Ochako." Pushing your thoughts aside, you and Ochako head to the baths, chatting without a care or worry in the world. Not even the meeting bothered you anymore. Izuku said it would be fine, and you trusted him.

{Everything will be fine.}

But unbeknownst to you, something big was about to be announced in that meeting. Something that could change your life forever.