WebNovelTrapped :100.00%

Chapter 5

**Remember- Anything in {} is thoughts**                                 

6:12 pm

                                 Main Hall


One glance.

That's all it took to determine this family.

You stood beside your brother, your eyes flicking between the three family members.

A beautiful woman led the rest of the organization. She had healthy ash blonde hair, and looked rather young, considering the fact that her son was the same age as your brother. Her red eyes were bright, her radiant face holding a huge smile. Definitely a woman who knows her power and worth.

Next to her, was a mirror image of her, except as a moody teenage boy. He had the same spiky ash blonde hair and red eyes. His aura, however, was...threatening. He seemed like a person who doesn't like anybody coming within 5 feet of him. He trudged down the hall, a scowl painted on his face, clearly indicating that he didn't want to be here. However, your eyes zoomed in on his eyes. Despite the coldness in them...they held a sadness...something you couldn't identify. You shook off the confusion, reminding yourself that you shouldn't trust them immediately. You didn't know them, after all.

Your eyes then moved over to a man with spiky brown hair and glasses. The woman's husband, you speculated. He didn't have the same radiance as her, but still had a soft dominant aura. You could see that his posture was a lot more polite than the woman's. His mouth pulled up in a soft grin. This man wasn't like the other two, he radiated his power quietly. He would seem out of place in this family at first glance, but in a way, you could see that he was the one who balanced the family. The sweet to the spicy.

You were pulled out of your thoughts, when the woman started talking loudly...too loudly for your preference. It took all you could to not show any indications.

"Hey, Inko! It's been a while, huh?"

"Hi Mitsuki! It has! How've you been?" Your mother grinned and outstretched her arms for a hug. Mitsuki came over and returned your mother's hug. They looked as though they knew each other for a long time. The woman, Mitsuki, pulled back and looked at the boy, her son, presumably.

"Good, apart from having to deal with this brat!" MItsuki said, rubbing her son's head. Her son recoiled and grumbled slowly, looking away from her with a disgruntled pout.  Clearly not a fan of people touching him.

"Shut it, hag." He muttered.

"And Izuku. You grew up kid!" Mitsuki turned to Izuku, looking at the grown-up boy in front of her. Izuku smiled, bowing slightly to her. Right, you forgot that Izuku has seen these people before, as a kid. You remembered how he said he was friends with the boy. You couldn't believe that. There's no way a boy as gentle and sweet as your brother could've ever gotten along with a person as moody and rude as this boy.

"Good to see you as well, Auntie Mitsuki, Uncle Masaru." He said, kindly. Masaru went to Izuku and started making small conversation with him. Meanwhile, Mitsuki brought her gaze to you.

"And you must be the new child I've been hearing all about. Heard you were quite the fighter!" She said, smiling brightly. You forced a little grin. You didn't like the way she called you the 'new child.' It made you feel as though you weren't part of this family. But they didn't know that, so you couldn't really blame them.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo." You said, bowing formally, " I'm Y/N and I hope we can get along."

"No need for formalities." Masaru said, grinning, "You can call us Auntie and uncle, as well Y/N." You nodded and stood straight again.

{Maybe they aren't so bad... but I have to still be cautious.}

While your mother, Mitsuki and Masaru exchanged hugs and greetings, the teenage boy approached us, his hands shoved in his pockets. He first landed his blood red eyes on my brother. There was an awkward second of silence between the two, as if they were recalling their memories together.

"Deku..." He said, his voice raspy, "Been a while, nerd." You looked to your brother, who nodded, face unusually stoic.

"Kachaan, how've you been?" He asked, calmly.  {Kachaan? They have nicknames for each other?}

"Mm," he hummed, "Still the same damn useless nerd huh?" You felt a pang of anger. No one should talk to him like that. Your brother is well respected and should not be put down. He's not some 'damn useless nerd!' You felt your fist clenched tightly, but before you could act, your brother interrupted.

"Still the same rude bastard, huh, Kachaan?" Your brother said, looking at him straight in the eye. His face still held the same expression but there was a glimmer of snarkiness in his eyes. Your eyes shot wide open. Your brother...just-

Bakugo let out an amused grunt and looked as though he was holding back a smirk. The nerd really had grown up. His eyes moved from him and landed on you. His stare bored into you, as he looked you up and down. Without breaking his stare, he asked Izuku, "And who is the brat?"

You refrained from punching him right then and there. You brother could sense the anger radiating off of you in waves and quickly put his hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly, as if to say 'I know you want to punch him, but you don't want to create a commotion here so please don't.'

You took the sign, and slowly took deep breaths, allowing the anger to flow out. {You're lucky my brother is here, foolish boy.}

"The name's Y/N Midoriya. I'm Izuku's adopted sister." You muttered, your stone cold eyes landing on his. Although he didn't flinch, you did notice a change in his eyes. A slight flash of surprise and even...fear. But he immediately shadowed it, hiding any evidence.

"And you?" You asked, without any interest. {I couldn't care less. He already seems horrible.} He sighed and looked away, with a careless look.

"Katsuki Bakugou." You stood still, not moving even an inch. Your brother cleared his throat, breaking that awkward silence.

"Well, I have business to take care of," He started, slowly, "Y/N, I'm sure you can show Kachaan his room?" Not like I have much of a choice.

"Of course, brother." Izuku smiled and ruffled your hair. You didn't smile, but you did soften you face a little at the affection. You watched as your brother walked out of the hall, reminding yourself that he could hold his own.

"Okay Mom! I'm going to show Bakugou his room." You informed her, quickly. Your mother nodded, giving you the approval to leave, before turning her attention back to the other Bakugous.

"Follow me." You said, voice turning hard, as you faced your attention on the boy. He looked at you and grunted. You know that sort of grunt. A grunt that showed you that the boy thought you were weak. You'd only heard plenty of times from criminals and schoolmates. You internally chuckled. {How clueless...how very clueless...}

As you walked out, you saw Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu talking with the new visitors. All of them seemed deep in conversation.  You couldn't analyse all of them now, but you noticed that there was a red-haired boy, pink-haired girl, and a boy with blonde hair.

You caught eyes with Ochako's chocolate ones. She gave a nod of acknowledgement and you returned the gesture. Then you continued leading Mister 'I'm better than everyone' to his room.

You walked in silence, occasionally giving random gestures and words to passing agents. Katsuki followed you, looking around the halls with the same scowl, and grunted at any passing agents.

"Miss. Y/N!" I heard someone call out. You turned to see the boy, who was looking around lazily to see who called out for me. You shifted your eyes past the boy, to see Momo Yaoyorozu running after you.

"Ah, it's just you, Yaoyorozu." You said, turning around, standing in a formal stance, "Is there anything you need?" She looked at you then the boy. Then she laughed guiltily.

"Oh, I see you have some business. I was just wondering where I could find Ochako. I thought you would know. I apologize for interrupting." You nodded, bemused.

"It's quite alright. I'm pretty sure Ochako should be in my brother's room. Down the hall to the left." You pointed at the direction. She bowed slightly.

"Thank you, Miss!"

"No problem. Be sure to report to my room after." You called. She nodded, and took off towards Izuku's room. Without turning around you started walking to the boy's new room .

"Now, come on." You said, dryly.

Finally you stopped in front of his temporary room.

"Here it is." You pushed open the large door with ease, which slightly impressed Katsuki, as the door was heavy, from what he could tell. The door opened up to a large, luxurious room with a huge king bed, a desk, dresser, and bathroom. You gestured to the desk.

"There is a map, and a radio transponder in the right drawer. You will be responded to with any one from the agents quarter at any time.  Feel free to use it in case of any problems." You explained.

"Tch. Whatever, "He said, looking around with a bored expression. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. No manners, either...

"At least a 'thank you' would be nice." You whispered quietly, under your breath. However, he was able to hear you, and turned on you with a glare. His teeth gritted together, and his eyes were basically on fire.

"What the hell did you just say?" He said, aggressiveness building in his voice. You just smirked, unfazed, and crossed your arms across your chest.

Katsuki didn't know what this feeling was. He felt like he should be impressed that you were able to not cower in his presence, even if you were a year younger than him, but that smirk painted across your face pissed him off...a lot.

"Oh, I just expected a 'thank you', but that must be a foreign thing to you right, Katsuki-kun?" Your voice held a bit of teasing and mockery. You looked at the boy who was fuming with anger, his fist clenched.

He lunged at you in full swing, fist outstretched. Your head moved on instinct, dodging his punch. You sighed with indifference, as you grabbed his out-stretched hand and twisted it, of course, not too harshly. Then you flipped over him, performing the same trick you did with your brother, putting slight pressure on his neck with your forearm. He gasped in surprise, then growled.


You chuckled dryly and let go, walking to the door. You looked back at Katsuki, who was recovering from the shock and choking.

"Your luggage should be here soon, Mr. Bakugo. Enjoy your night!" Your tone was lacing with fake cheerfulness, and sarcasm. You turned to walk out, but before fully leaving you tilted your head towards him. A shadow casted over your eyes, making them not visible to Katsuki, but he saw your mouth holding a threatening smirk.

"And...don't underestimate me...Katsuki-Kun..."

With that remark, you left closing the door behind you, leaving a shocked and angry Katsuki Bakugo inside.


You walked into your room closing the door behind. When you turned, you saw your new assistant waiting patiently near your desk. Momo Yaoyaoruzu, stood there, in a formal suit, looking around my room. Her dark hair was pulled in a tight ponytail.

"Ah, Miss. Midoriya." She acknowledged, smiling at me. You walked over to her, still feeling giddy about what just happened.

"Please, you can call me Y/N when we're alone." You said, yawning slightly. "Do you have a nickname you prefer?"

"Uh, I think Momo or Yaomomo should be fine. May I ask why you don't want to be formal, as we are co-workers?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I just like to be familiar with my co-workers. Actually, I really don't like to think of them as co-workers, more like friends." You clarified, taking off your flannel cardigan. Momo just nodded, understandingly, but you could still see the confusion in her eyes. You chose to ignore it for now.

"Also, be sure to remember that tomorrow is your first official day on the job. I prefer my workers to be in my room early in the morning, at 6 o'clock, before school. Of course, I will be lenient for now, since you are new, but just remember I won't be so soft after some time. You also have training with Todoroki, so you might want to talk to him about that." You informed her, taking a brush out of your drawer and slowly dragging it through your silver hair, untangling any unruly knots.

"Alright then, thank you. I hope I can be helpful and be a great assistant" Momo thanked, bowing. You chuckled. Sweet girl.

"No need for formalities. Remember, we're friends, not just co-workers. And if you have any questions ask me or Ochako." You said, smiling, but it slightly faded, as you saw how tense her shoulders were, and how she was trembling a bit. Not enough to be obvious, but very subtly.  You put your hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.

"I think you'll be a great assistant so don't sweat it." You said, reassuringly, "I'll be here if you have any problems."

"Right!" She said, relaxing her shoulders. She smiled before thanking me again.

"Alright, you are dismissed. I'll see you in the morning!" You waved as she walked out the room.

"Bye, Y/N." She called, on her way out. You smiled and sighed to yourself. Then you looked at your desk. Time to get down to business.

You walked to your desk, and pulled the plastic bag of bullets out. Then you set up your workstation. You set out a small towel, tweezers, gloves, your laptop for extensive research and other scientific tools.

You slid on the gloves and carefully pulled out one of the bullets. You set it on the small towel and observed the outside of it. A red cylinder shape with a needle on one end, used to insert drugs. You started by carefully using the tweezer to remove the needle. Then immediately the red cylinder cracked in half. But before you could identify the chemicals and construction, the door opened.

You turned to see Ochako waiting there. You took off your goggles and your gloves, standing up.

"Hey, Y/N!" She said, her voice bubbly, "How was your first day without me?" You smiled.

"Pretty good. What about yours with my brother?" You quirked your eyebrow playfully. Her cheeks tinted red.

"F-fine." She avoided your eyes, her face growing more and more red.

"Just fine?" You pried, exaggerating on the 'fine." You laughed at her flustered face.

"W-whatever. Anyways, what are you doing?" She quickly changed the subject and walked over to my desk. Your face turned serious again, smile fading, eyebrows knitting together.

"I'm inspecting the bullets. We need this information." You filled her in, "Don't touch please."

She nodded, and stared at the bullet. Then she looked at me, flashing a toothy smile.

"Well, if you need anything, let me know, 'kay?" You nodded, thanking her. She yawned, rubbing one of her hands with her fist, cutely. You let out a soft sigh, smiling at her. 

"Okay, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. See ya, Y/N!" She said, toning her voice slightly exhausted. But just before she can exit your room, you call out to her.

"Ochako!" She looked at you with a confused expression.


"Be sure to take care of yourself. Don't think I don't see those eyebags. If you don't, I'll talk to Izuku, and he's a lot more strict about these things." You warned, giving her a strict look. She smiled gratefully.

"Okay Y/N. Thanks. Goodnight."

"Night." She left the room. You sighed and turned back to your desk sitting down.

You put on your goggles and returned to poking and prodding the bullet.


You didn't know how long it had been, sitting in the small light of your desk, exploring the bullet. You found quite a lot of information, surprisingly, recording it on a document on your laptop.

You found that this bullet is made up of 3 components. Salt, specifically Berthollet's salt, red phosphorus, and a drop of blood. You researched and found that the salt and red phosphorus can create a dangerous explosion when combined. But that doesn't explain the reason why blood is needed.

You typed rapidly on your laptop, searching up possible answers, and much to your dismay, nothing popped up on the browser. You groaned and threw your head back, in frustration. The world is against you.

You sat there, staring up at the dark ceiling only lit up with the soft glow of the yellow desk lamp. Then your head snapped back, an idea snaking its way into your brain. You pushed the laptop aside, quickly throwing your gloves back on. Using the tweezers, you carefully extracted a small amount of each component from the bullet.

First, you slowly combined a tiny amount of salt and phosphorus together. You watched as a tiny harmless explosion formed. The smell of smoke filled your nose, but you ignored it. You shifted and took the same amount of phosphorus and salt, however this time you added a tiny amount of blood. Much to your surprise, the explosion showed a bigger form. The explosion left a black mark on the towel. 

{Ahh...That's why there is blood in the mix.}

You grabbed your laptop and pulled up the document, typing the information down, as quickly as you can. But before you could go back to experimenting you heard a voice from inside your room.

"What the hell are you-"

Before they could finish, and you could fully process who was there, you were already there, holding a small scalpel at the throat of the mystery person.

"Who the hell are you?" You say, slowly, in a dark murderous tone, so terrifying it could've sent anyone 10 feet away from you. For a second nothing was heard except the soft panting coming from you. You stood very still, not moving even one single millimeter. Katsuki was glad it was mostly dark in the room, or else you would've seen the slight fear in his red eyes. He cleared his throat and straightened up, erasing the look from his face.

{This girl is dangerous.}

"It's just me, brat." You recognized the tone of the moody teenager. You sighed and lowered your arm. Still, you were quite vexed, body urging to just slap his face for scaring you. You took a deep breath, and felt the anger subside.

"What in the world are you doing here?" You asked, your voice a lot calmer. Katsuki let out a breath he didn't know he held in.

"I was just going to get water, but this damned place is enormous, and I got lost. I thought this was my room, and opened the room, only to find you idiot making stupid explosions on your desk. I tried asking what you're doing, but you already had a damn knife at my throat." He explained, grumbling slightly.

"It's a scalpel."

"Whatever. And what were you doing?" He asked, walking to my desk.

"Don't touch it! I was dissecting the explosion bullet." He inspected the pieces, laying bare on the towel.

"So they really did use blood, huh? That's messed up."

You nodded your head in agreement.

"Not only that, it was a little girl's blood." You said softly, tone saddening. He looked at you and your sudden change of attitude. Both of you stood in silence letting it sink in.

"Anyways!" You said, breaking the silence, "I'll go to get water with you, and lead you back to your room." You said nonchalantly. Katsuki stayed quiet. He noticed how even though you weren't frowning, your eyes were stormy. You were faking, but he decided not to dwell on it.

"Yeah, sure."

You both went out in the hall. It was dark and most people were already asleep, so you walked quietly, making sure no sounds were heard through the large hallway.

"Wait," you said, pulling your phone out of your pocket. You glanced at your phone and your eyes became wide.

"It's 2:32 am?" You whisper-yelled. Katsuki looked at you with a scowl.

"You didn't know? Dumbass." He grumbled quietly. You gave him a glare.

"Whatever, I need water." You turned on your flashlight to light up the hallways. You both slowly walked over to the kitchen. You grabbed two cups and filled them with water. You handed the cup to him, receiving a grunt in return. You rolled your eyes drinking the water.

You didn't realize how water-deprived you were up until that moment. The ice-cold water flowed down your parched throat, cooling the dryness. Once Katsuki finished his cup, you put both cups in the sink.

"Let's go. I'll take you to your room." He hummed in response. You walked in a silence for a while. But then, Katsuki finally spoke up.

"So, why were you so damn worried about the time? Can't you just sleep in?" He whispered, looking away from you.

"Wow, you can actually talk with words? I thought your language was just grunts and tchs." You replied, playfully. He glared at you, warningly.

"Answer the damn question, brat."

"Fine fine," You said, "I have school in the morning." He turned his face towards you.

"You go to school? Wouldn't it be too much work with the agency and stuff?" You shrugged.

"Meh, my mother thought it was important to get education. I'm stopping after 9th grade. My brother did the same. Now he's 16, so he stopped. And plus, I manage," You replied, looking around for anyone wandering the halls, though you couldn't imagine anyone up this late...except for you and Katsuki, of course.

"Couldn't you just get home-schooled? That's what I did." He said, with a 'know-it-all' voice. You sighed, looking up in exasperation.

"My mother thought it would be good to get some friends and hang out like normal teens." You explained, "But she was wrong." You whispered that last part to yourself, but Katsuki heard every word.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. You looked up startled, and gave a nervous giggle.

"A-ah it's nothing! I just don't really have any friends at school. They try approaching me, but I try to stay away. It doesn't matter anyways." You said, turning your face away from his prying eyes. Katsuki felt skeptical about you.

"Ah! Here's your room! I have to go to sleep now! G'night!" You said quickly, almost too quickly, while avoiding his gaze. But before you could leave, you felt a tight grasp on your shoulder. You became self-conscious and panicked.

"Why are you touching me? Get off!" You tried shrugging his hand off your shoulder, but he held on tightly and paid no mind to your sudden panic. You felt his fingers dig into the fabric of the shirt you were wearing. Your heart beat violently in your chest as the panic rose into your throat and your body suddenly felt hot. {Get. Off. Of. Me. }

"Why don't you have any friends?" he asked calmly, his red eyes boring into yours. You took a deep breath and roughly shoved his hand, and turned around. Katsuki's eyes widened in surprise. For a second there was only silence. Then you broke the silence.

"That's none of your damn business." You said quiet, voice fragile, "So leave me alone."

You ignored the pang in your gut. Without turning around, you uttered one last sentence.

"I don't need any pity."


Ok for the next chapter there is some warnings.

Please read this- it's really important!

In this chapter I added some scientific mentions.

Berthollet's salt, red phosphorus, and a drop of blood - That's what is in the bullet, as you read.

The chemical reaction between Berthollet's salt and red phosphorus actually causes explosions, very dangerous and deadly ones. (This is my way of saying don't try this at home)

The blood part is purely for plot purposes. Please do not take this into consideration and try doing this —it will not work.

You should also know that I have never tried this is my life. So I don't actually know anything about this, scientifically speaking. Anything else in future chapters of this story would probably be fake. I am 13 years old and I literally looked this up in a website, so don't come for me.

Anyways thanks for reading!