Arranged Marriage Pt.1

You slammed the phone back in its place as you fell down in your leather chair. You couldn't even number the times that your father has called you in the last month for the same topic. You were starting to wonder if it was a good idea to take over the company as your father was growing older.

"So much for having my freedom after taking over," you chuckled as you leaned back forward to get to the piled-up work on your desk. Looking at the piled papers was enough proof to yourself that you had no time to go on blind dates, and arranged meetings with filthy rich heirs to find the right one for you – or to the company, that's how you liked to put it.

The knock on your office door made you snap from your trance. "Come in," you sighed out as you realized that the few seconds of peace were over and it was back to work.

The sight of your friend Quinn coming through the door was a relief. You smiled at her feeling thankful for her presence. "You seem like you have time," you chuckled raising an eyebrow at her.

"I had a feeling that you would skip lunch," she said casually with her hands in her pocket as she walked over to your desk sitting sideways on it as she examined your exhausted state. "And you look like you are in a desperate need of a break." She nodded her head supporting her own statements.

You felt the wave of tiredness wash over you as if it has been waiting for Quinn to point it out. "You are right," you confessed. " let's go." You pushed the chair back as you headed outside to the restaurant that was just around the corner, each of you ordered a simple lunch and sat quietly watching the people walk by.

"You look bothered," she said as she sipped on her drink. "Your father is still pestering you about the marriage thing."

"Don't remind me," you sighed putting your cup down. "He is forcing me to go tomorrow to meet an heir from some company or else he

will limit my authority within my own company!" you scoffed in disbelief.

"All you have now is wishing for him to be a hotshot," she chuckled as she was able to put a smile on your face. " how about this…" she paused as she gestured for you to get closer and you did with a questioning look on your face.

"Going to the club and dancing our asses off before you say bye to the single life?" she whispered in your ears.

You cringed as you pulled back. "Eh?" you frowned. "You are talking as if I'm going to agree to this. I'm only going to quiet down my father. I can't risk losing my company because I'm single." As you sat back in your seat, you considered her words.

That was when the two of you shared that one look and knew what the other was thinking.

"When should we meet?" you asked as you narrowed your eyes.

"Right after you are done with work." She answered. "We ain't going home before dawn."

And that was it. Both of you agreed to meet after work. You continued the rest of your day excited as you pictured the night that was yet to come. How long has it been since you have had a blast? You had no idea when that was, and this was the perfect chance for you to get out of the none ending loop of work and tiredness, and of course, your nagging father.

As excited as you were, the time at work was gone by the wind, and hurriedly carried your things and wore your coat before storming out of the building to your car. The vibration in your pocket caught your attention as you kicked the engine to your car alive.

"Hey Quinn," you said as soon as you answered. "I'm going home to change first. I'll meet you there once I'm done."

And with that, the adventure began. You went home, getting your red tight sleeveless dress out of your closet. You kept your makeup simple as you knew that it will all be gone with sweat, yet you went bold with the bright red lipstick. Your goal as you dressed up was to be smoking.

And that was exactly what Quinn said as you came out of your car in front of the club. "Look at those curves," Quinn whistled. "All of that was buried underneath suits all this time."

You blushed, feeling as if everyone was staring at you. This was outside your comfort zone, but you were tired of being locked-up in there. You both found your way inside the club.

You felt that transition that happened as you walked through the narrow corridor as you both got isolated from the real world and into the large space with blasting music. You felt the adrenaline rush as your friend led you down the stairs and down to join the crowd of dancers below.

"Holy cow," Quinn yelled next to your ears as her body swayed along with the music. "Look at that." She pointed to a level that was above you and you followed her gaze for it to lay on the hotshot that was on the DJ.

His blonde almost white hair was shimmering in the dim light of the club. You watched as he swayed along with the music that he was making, placing a hand over the headphones over his ears, the rings in his fingers were shinning even at this distance.

"You are absolutely right," you murmured under your breath as you took all of him in.

"Wanna try something crazy?" Quinn puzzled yanking a glass of liquor as she danced and you followed her.

"What is it?" you yelled out.

"Y/N," Quinn stated. "Why don't you go and kiss him?"

"H-Huh?!" you exclaimed. "Are you drunk already?" you chuckled in disbelief. Yet you saw this plump lips of his clearly in chaos in your mind.

"Shall we dare?" Quinn asked again. "Whoever tires first loses…cool?"

You scoffed knowing that you are already going to lose. Quinn was a dancer and there was no way you could keep up with her yet you nodded accepting the challenge.

You allowed the music to take you in as you tried to keep up with your friend. Several others stopped by to cheer you both on, and for a second you felt that the hotshot was one of them, but the sweat and panting that was covering you was making it impossible to make out.

You reached your limit as you stopped to catch your breath, there was no energy left in your tighs to keep you on your feet let alone dance. "Alright, I lost!" you yelled out hearing her chuckled of victory. As you held up your head to look at the DJ. He was no longer there but it wasn't long before you spotted his blonde hair again.

"Good luck my friend," Quinn patted your shoulder. You took a deep breath. You are no teenager, a little peck on the lips was no big deal – or at least that's what you tried to convince yourself of as you walked up to him.

You noticed the deep color of his eyes as he turned around feeling your approach. He was even more beautiful up close. He blinked as his rosy lips parted for him to speak. That was when you held your breath and did as your friend dared, you slammed your lips on his like there was no tomorrow.

He was petrified in place but you felt his hands on your waist, you felt him kissing you back and that was when you snapped out of it and pulled back.

"I-I…I'm sorry!" you yelled out and ran out of the place, leaving your friend behind you. That was the crazist thing that you have done in a long time. The look of horror on the man's face as you smashed your lips on his was all over your mind.

"I'll never listen to her again," you mumbled as you drived off back home. The only thing that was allowing – more like forcing you asleep was the tiredness that washed over you. The moment you closed your eyes you were already asleep.

The sun tickled your eyes as you forced yourself up to go to work. Greeted with another reminder from your father that you were going on a morning date with another heir your father chose. You wore a navy suit as you fixed your hair, planning to keep the meeting as short as possible.

An hour later you were pushing the door to the café that was addressed in the message that was sent to you. You held out your phone to dial the number of the man to know which one was he, single men were all over the place. And you could hear a phone ringing at the same time as you.

"Hey," you said. "I'm here where are you?"

"I'm standing up now…"

As you held up your head to see, there he was. The dirty blonde haired man from last night.