The final scene

Smoking rooms, the scene is set,

It all goes black.

The curtain raised,

the Final Act.

Sirens raging in the night.

Sounds of horror, gasps of fright.

Tearing eyes begin to flood.

They begin pulling stretchers out

What's going on?

We were only having fun

I'm so cold

What did I do?

A man is leaning over me

Looking into my eyes

"What were you thinking girl?

Did you think about what you were doing at all?"

He pulls up the sheet

Still looking at me.

I start to scream ,I start to yell.

But no one can hear me, no one can tell.

They put me in an ambulance

They take me away

The doctor at the hospital exclaims "DOA!"

My father's in shock.

My mother is crying.

She collapses in grief, overcome by fear.

They take me to this house and place me in this box.

I keep asking what is happening

But I can't make it stop.

Everyone is crying, my friends are so sad

I'm starting to get mad

My friend leans in and kisses my cheek, a final good-bye .

His best friend starts to pull him away while he is screaming


The lower my body into the grave, it feels so cold.

I yelled to be saved.

Then I see an angel and I begin to cry

"Can you tell me what is happening?" And she tells me I died.

I can't be dead, I'm still so young!

I want to do so many things!

Like sing and dance and run .

What about college graduation day?

What about a wedding?

Please-I want to stay.

The angel looks upon me with a saddened voice,

"It didn't have to be this way.

You had a choice

I'm sorry, it's too late, time I can't turn back.

Your life is finished-that ,my child, is fact."

Why did this happen, I didn't want to die!

The angel embraces me and with her words she sighs.

" I wish you made a better choice,

If you did you'd be alive.

It doesn't matter if you beg me,or plead on bended knee

There is nothing I can do

You have to come with me."

Looking at my friends and family, I say my last goodbye.

" I'm sorry I disappointed you Dad.

Mommy please don't cry .

Friend don't be sad.

I didn't mean to hurt you or cause you this pain.

I'm sorry that all you're left with is this cold dirt grave with my name on a stone.

Sorry that all your dreams for me have been ripped away.

Sorry I never let you know I cared I wish I could go back in time."

" it was a stupid thing to do.

I wish I could take it back,

But the curtain is closing now.

Thus ends my final Act.."