The Lies Of Abuse

You need to check your house built on

Lies, beer cans, and cigarettes,

Before you blaming anyone else

For what he did.

My rage boils over the top

Learning it wasn't just me he destroyed.

I can't face him but I want to release the rage.

I smash my fist into brick.

I feel brick break into my hand,

As the skin on my knuckles bruise and tear.

Tears slide down my face.

I pound the wall again and again.

By now the wall is slick with blood,

As my hands are swollen and bruised.

But still I keep going.

Knowing I should've stopped long ago.

I want this pain.

It's like I can control it.

I can dish it to myself

Instead of taking it from him.

If you follows the lies,

You say the byes,

The heat of the moment,

It's all a lie.

It wasn't consensual.

It was like I wasn't intellectual.

I regret this action,

It has impaction.