[1] Episode 1 (1/2)

(Before you read make sure you know that this is my version so only some of the plot will be put in it, most of this is about my MC and Eloise and their budding love. Also just so there is no one to say complaints later.... I am an American I do not know everything about London history this will not be overly accurate I will try but if I mess up don't slander me with you words. Also if this is every really posted know that this is before season two so any changes made in the show will be made in here to correspond some. Though not really. Anyway enjoy if you want or stop this is for me anyway. Don't expect to much old English I will try my best.)

(PS. Based of show so I know nothing more than what the show has given us.)


"Are you sure you want to go there?" the being asked again looking at the man in shock from his choice of worlds, he could go anywhere but the place he chose was something not expected. With a raised brow he watched the man.

"Of course, this is my second life after all so I should get the choice. Don't get me wrong I can see why you would think I would choose somewhere else but... why else to go somewhere if not for love." The man smiled while looking at the being, "Everyone can say they went to a fictional world for anything they want but we all know that it is in fact for the women, mine just happens to be a highly opinionated girl who is adorable in my eyes."

The being looked at him weirdly but he couldn't deny that since almost all people he sent to new worlds went after their dream girl or started a harem, "Well then get on to the wishes so you can enjoy your new life in Bridgerton."

The man nodded with a smile, "Alright I want a whole new name and look, my family background should be a Duke like Simon but nothing like his family, let me be the second brother who so I don't have a lot of responsibility. Keep my parents alive though that would be best. So at best I am an Earl? I don't know it gets confusing really with the family lines and everything."

The being chuckled in amusement but let him go on, "Alright for wishes let me have a creation power so I can bring modern things into the world, there is no way I can survive without a working shower. Lastly make my family like filthy rich without problems from the land my father governs over."

"Alright since that is all I won't hold you longer." He snapped his fingers making the man disappear.


(1813, Rye to London)

When the man opened his eyes again her felt a splitting headache, information flooded his head and he knew his new name was Becket Reevee. He didn't even remember his past anymore other than the modern era, his wishes and Bridgerton, everything else was scrubbed so he felt no discomfort for his new name.

He was son of Winfred Reevee, Duke of Rye (For the story) the man was a well like person, well that was around his family to others he was a fair but heavy handed ruler. His wife Fayre Reevee was a kind and beautiful woman with fair skin and bright light blue eyes, she went perfectly with his father who was a dark skinned man who got his title justly.

There was also his older brother Ryder Reevee who was just turning twenty-eight this year, it was also the year that his mother was making him find a wife this season. Though their parents were in good health that didn't mean that they would wait until their death day to see him married, instead he was to find a wife this season while they were in London.

The house was already prepared for them upon their arrival as they sent a letter a fortnight ago so that everything would be ready, Becket or Beck was lucky his mother was letting him put off another year before he needed to find someone. That didn't mean that Beck forgot about Eloise at all, no in fact she was the one thing he did remember most and he was looking forward to seeing her.

At the moment the whole family was on their way to London for this season, Ryder was hoping for a woman who would give him a love like their parents had. While Beck was just getting ready to have a good time, he was told long ago by his father that they weren't expecting anything other than for him to marry the woman he loved.

As for anything else they didn't care, they knew he was a smart kid graduating from Cambridge at an early age and now at Nineteen he did nothing but explore the world looking for fun. If not for the fact that his brother was looking for a wife this season and to be married he would have been sailing to America to explore some more.

Hence the reason he was currently in the carriage with his mother and father since they have been asking about his recent outings in the world, they pampered him and his brother with anything. Just as he wished they were exceedingly rich to the point even after eight generations they would not need to worry about wasting millions of pound.

Beck came back to himself and looked at the carriage window which showed his reflection in the glass, he was a caramel skinned youth with glowing light blue eyes. His cheeks were high and he had a chiseled face, the only thing that was making him frown was the clothes that he wore which were way to bulky and didn't help with the current heat.

Thanks to his magic he could make a suit from the modern era and bring it forward but since he was still in the same place as his parents he wouldn't use it for the moment. Of course he would tell them about the stuff he made and play if off as his own but at the moment he was stuck using what he had, plus he didn't want to change to much.

What was the point of coming if everything changed before he got a chance to experience it?

As he was still in thought he heard his mothers sweet voice, "Ah Beck you are awake." she was giving him a warm smile as she read a book while leaning on his fathers arm. His father had a doting smile and was brushing his fingers through her hair, this was the side of him that most didn't see considering he was stoic to everyone else.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't sleep much at the inn last night it was an unfamiliar place so I didn't get a good rest." He told her with a smile looking at them both.

"Well why don't you get some more sleep then?" She suggested looking a little worried, they both knew he would have problems sleeping in a new place and tended to stay up all night.

"No it is fine, there isn't much left if the approaching city is any indication." Beck said looking out at London which was approaching, by his judgement it was the day before the day the Queen met the girls. That was something his mother would not miss so she would know which girls to look out for, though she would let rider choose overall.

"If you are tired then try, we will wake you when we arrive." His fathers deep and soothing voice said while smiling at him, his voice sounded just like CorpseHusband. Though Beck forgot some things there was no way he would forget a voice that sounded like that.

"Alright." With a smile Beck closed his eyes and leaned against the window, he knew that they would still need to go a little into the city before they reached their home.


(First Person POV)

When I opened my eyes again it was because Ryder was shaking me with a smile, "Well are you coming brother or do you plan to sleep here all day?" his grin stretched across his face further.

I didn't actually think that I would fall asleep again, the ride wasn't long but I felt well rested, the only thing I wished I did was get a always healthy body. It didn't even cross my mind until it was to late, there was no telling what I would catch in this time period, luckily I could make medical books and medicine.

No way was I dying of anything that could be cured in the modern era, smiling at my brother I came down from the carriage, "You should have let me sleep, then maybe you will find a wife. We both know the moment they see me you will be a single man always." From the side our mother laughed hearing the comment.

Ryder grinned and tried to put me in a headlock but I dodged, "Oh so you are funny now are you?" he asked chasing me some in the yard, our mother and father smiled before going inside.

The manor was huge and there were more than eight room and bathrooms, that didn't include the three studies and ballrooms that were inside of it. This was the the first time that I was shocked by something but the beautiful manor design did leave me speechless.

Luckily I was the only person there at the moment since both my parents and brother went to freshen up, though nothing was happening tomorrow it was still getting late so we needed to get ready for bed. We planned to make it midday but we got in later, I for one went to my room by memory and started to change things inside of it.

After changing my bathroom to a modern one and making sure it had plumbing, this helped a lot since the moment I went into the bathroom I smelled the lingers of last years sh*ts. When everything was changed out I locked the doors with new locks, until I showed my parents my new powers or played things off as my own no one was aloud in.

Luckily for me since I was the second child less attention was paid to me so I was able to so as I pleased, smiling to myself I made some short and a t-shirt and went to shower. After being under the spray for a long time I came out to my room and threw the bulky uncomfortable clothes to the open trunk that had more like it.

Using my ability I started to fill my closet with knew close and modern suits, I would just tell my family it was something I made and they would accept it since I did weird things. Once I was finished I went out of my room since my maid was calling me for dinner, the only thing in this family that wasn't aloud was missing a family dinner when we were together.

As I came down I saw my family look at me with a raised brow, even the maid looked at me weird but it was my mother who spoke out, "What are you wearing dear?" she asked seeing my short and shirt, though it wasn't something seen it wasn't to far out there.

"Ahh while on my last trip I met a man from America who was a tailor, he taught me many of his ideas and I ended up making different clothes for myself based off of them. Do you like?" I asked smiling knowing she would accept it, none of them have even been to America to fact check me.

"Well it is different but it is fine if you like it. Is there anything for me?" she asked her eyes shinning a little, I never came back without something new for her.

"Of course, that would be a sin to not bring my beautiful mother anything from my trip, he also taught me to make dresses and I made you some." I said with a cheeky grin but she still squealed at the idea of having something that other women wouldn't be able to get.

My father and brother were watching our interaction with a smile, even the maids who were around the one the sides smile seeing her act like a teenage girl again. "What about us then? Surely you haven't forgotten your brother and me?" My father asked with a teasing grin.

"Meh I didn't even think of you two, only my mother is special in this family." I said while shrugging and scooping some food into my mouth while dodging the food my brother threw at me.

"I see. Looks like your allowance will be going to your brother this week then." he told me while looking like he was ignoring me but I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye.

That made me freeze though, me and my brother didn't work we were young masters who used our fathers money since we didn't own anything ourselves. "*Cough* *Cough* What do you mean father of course you and brother have handmade suits from me," I said quickly while choking on my food some, "It was just I needed some final measurements so that they wouldn't be to small for you two. Give me a day and they will be given to you."

The family laughed hearing me while the maids were trying to hold theirs in from the looks of their red faces, rolling my eyes I pouted to my mom who took the bait, "Alright stop teasing my son or you will sleep in another room husband." that made my father shut up quick and he moved a little closer while trying to please her. I chuckled at him while sticking out my tongue.

Ryder the entire time was trying to calm himself down but he was looking at his family with a lot of affection in his eyes.

After dinner I went back to my room and locked the door, when it was closed using my magic I made a fan that was solar powered, at the moment it was fully charged. The place as hot! So there was no way he was going to be able to sleep in the room, plus if he kept the windows open he wasn't sure if someone was going to sneak in for his booty..... pervs he had valuables in the room.

As the room grew colder he smiled and let his eyes drop close as he knew he would be seeing Eloise tomorrow since he along with his family would be there as the Queen evaluated the girls tomorrow.


(Third Person POV)

Beck woke up the next morning to the coldish room, the sun was slowly coming over the horizon but he had only slept for four hours something he knew was usual. After the minor sleep he was up making the suits and dresses for his family at the moment his mothers dresses were beautifully made but they were modest, it was still something never seen. (Not a designer so IDK)

As for himself after an early shower he was in an Armani suit it was all black underneath he wore a red dress shirt and had a skinny tie for the finish, his shoes were also black and red Jordan 1's. Sue him but he was going to live comfortably, even if it was his idea to be here and he wasn't forced no one could say he didn't look good.

Taking something similar to his but royal blue for his brother Beck left his room, he felt the eyes of the maid watch him with a hint of heat in her eyes. Smirking he walked down the hall three doors down to his brothers room and knocked, they would be up soon anyway since the sun was almost up.

Beck didn't need to wait long as his brother opened the door, he was wide eyed when his eyes landed on Beck which fuel his ego more, "I see you like it. Well here these are yours they are ten times better than anything you have, by the time we come back I will give you a new wardrobe."

Ryder nodded numbly and quickly took the clothes, he would got to Beck later about the tie since he didn't know how to put one on properly. Beck shrugged and took one for his dad but the color was green with oxford dress shoes, his mothers dress was a L'amonia fw0282 dress (Google it).

Though he might not know real fashion he could still choose nice things from the options that was available to him, with his magic he was able to look through catalogues to see it all. While everyone else changed he was already headed to breakfast to wait for everyone else, he stopped and sat in the lounge bringing out a book without a cover, though it was actually just Percy Jackson.

When everyone came down they kept praising him since the clothes weren't as bulky as the ones they use to wear, his father and brother though asked for his help with the ties. After breakfast they all set out to see the queen since she would be seeing the girl soon, his mother wanted to get a good spot so they tried to be the first there.

Beck was standing in the crowd behind his mother while watching as each girl was announced currently he was trying to not come off as a creep since the woman he wanted was so close. The Queen however looked bored by everyone who came in so far, it also didn't escape his notice when some girls started to steal glances at him and his brother.

Saying screw it in his mind Beck looked to Eloise who looked bored of the whole manner, she was idly standing there with her brothers but in his eyes she was shinning brighter than all. At the moment her sister was walking down but his eye never left her.

She was beautiful in her white dress with her hair curled up like it was, he smiled to himself since no one else was paying attention to him, at the moment they were looking at the Queen. "Flawless my dear." that didn't register to him though since he could only see her.

He thought no one noticed but his mother's grin and the way she looked between them was anything but subtle and it drew the attention of his father and brother. They all wore grins, this was also bad though since it drew Eloise's attention, who wouldn't when so many eyes were looking at her with so much attention.

Her eyebrows drew up and it made Beck look away quickly, the giggle from his mother made him blush some, he knew they caught him staring and it made him groan inside. His brother brought a hand down to his shoulder, "Go get her brother."

Yup this was hell.


(Third Person POV)

As they arrived home from the Royal Castle Beck didn't hear the end of it from his family for staring at a girl, not that they could be blamed since he never showed interest in this. While walking inside his mother got a copy of the latest Lady Whistledown, she was reading it aloud to them but to Beck it was like the narration was in his head.

It also talked of them and how he wasn't in this season but he was still looking for next, not sure how Penelope (Spoiler) got that information though since no one knew but his family. It did go on about his brother having the possibility of going after the Diamond Daphne though, but he denied it real quick telling their parents he was after someone how shined to him.

They all agreed she was beautiful but she wasn't for Ryder, Beck though didn't see all the talk though he was sure that if Eloise was up there she would get the same praise or higher. In his eyes she was the real Diamond but not of just a season but of every single day of every year.

"Well isn't this Lady Whistledown the gossip of the century, no clue how she get things so right but it is a good read." his mother said while they were all relaxing in the lounge. Even his dad was there considering this was his vacation since he was away from Rye, this was his favorite time since he got some much need time away from Duking.

While relaxing a maid walked in and handed a letter to their mother, they all watched as she opened it and read the contents, "Well it seems that Lady Danbury is throwing her kick off ball of the season, we are expected it is to let the girls and guys mingle to start the season. I hope you find someone nice here Ryder but don't stick with it there is still some time left in the season, no need to choose the first that comes to you."

"Don't worry mother, I have no plan to choose the first woman who shows interest. As you know me and brother both hope to find someone who makes dad as happy as you do." Ryder said while smiling, Beck nodded along when you grow up around a marriage like theirs then you were picky.

"Good. As for you Beck even if you aren't in season you can still come and experience it, no doubt there will be some women there who will be again next season or are there for the same reason." She looked at him and didn't give him a chance to deny her since this was what he would face when he finally put himself out there.

Beck groaned but nodded, "Yeah that is fine."

"Don't act as though we didn't catch you staring at the Bridgerton girl, to bad she is not trying this season." his dad said who is also in the loop about things, not surprising since he was close to almost everyone.

"Well that isn't embarrassing." Beck mumbled to himself making everyone else in the room laugh. Everyone in the room laughed while he rolled his eyes, he was going to be hearing this until the day he was married or got away from them he just knew it.

Hours Later.....

They were once again in a carriage but this time on the way to the Lady Danbury's Ball, his brother was excited since he would also be seeing his long time friend Simon here. Their mother was friends with Lady Danbury and she had told them some inside information about who was showing, Ryder hadn't seen Simon in years so he was happy.

The family was all in the new clothes that Beck had given them just evening wear this time, they were just some different suits really while his mother was in a different colored dress. As they arrived they all got down with the ball already starting, not like they wanted to arrive early in the first place Beck sighed hoping that Eloise would be here.

In the show she wasn't here so he didn't know if he would be seeing her cause unlike her friend Penelope she was out this season which upset him a little, though his mind was on something else. First he needed to win her affection, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't get that first.


(Eloise POV)

At Seventeen she was expected to be wed soon but that was the furthest thing on her mind at the moment, she had to beg he mother just to stay out of this season so she wouldn't be wed. What she wanted was to accomplish something that didn't require a man to make her get there, why couldn't she just do it on her own?

Her own dream was to university and reach her dream of being a writer but unlike the men in the world she didn't have that luxury, instead she needed to bear the burden of marriage. It always crossed her mind to flea so she could control her own life but it wasn't an option, she wouldn't get far before something happen to her.

Sighing for the she didn't know how many times she leaned back into the carriage that was taking her and her sister to a place where they were to be put out like product to be sold. While thinking a face flashed through her eyes, she still remembered the man who was looking at her earlier when they were in the Queens room.

While everyone was paying attention to her sister she was being watched by him, those light blue eyes looked at her as though she was claimed as the Diamond of the season. When she thought of that a smile lightly formed until she let it slip, she knew she wasn't as beautiful as her sister but it was still nice to be seen, even if she wouldn't admit it out loud.

Putting that away she decided to forget it, she only had a year left to figure out a way to get the future she wanted there was no way she was going to take getting married without a fight. Looking out the window she watched as they were getting closer to the front so that they could enter Lady Danbury's for the ball.

Might as well get it over with then.


(Beck POV)

Beck was walking around inside and was amused seeing his brother being swarmed by most the girls in the room, they knew that he was next in line to be the duke though it was still off. Beck would make sure that unless it was passed on by his father from old age then Ryder wouldn't be Duke yet.

His mother and father weren't far away watching the scene with smiles, though Beck was getting the same attention he ignored them all making them go away when they got the message. At the moment he stood to the side and waited to see if the one he really wanted would show, if she didn't then he was going to just spend the remainder of the evening with his parents.

After taking another drink of punch he looked to the door and it felt as though his soul left him, he didn't know how she did it but every time she showed up she looked more beautiful than the last. As she walked inside she looked up and saw him, as their eyes met he smiled slightly while taking another sip to hide he nervousness he was feeling.

Eloise looked at him curiously before following her mother inside, after walking for a moment she walked over to her friend Penelope who was standing with her sisters. Beck moved his eyes away, he promised himself though that before the night was over he was going to have his name on her dance card, that actually made him laugh.

After awhile of waiting around he made his way to her not noticing his parents eyes follow him across the room, this was the first time they have ever seen someone catch his eye. Beck was nervous just like his past he was still to shy to even talk to girls, but now he was pushing that back so he could talk to her.

When he got within her eyesight her and Penelope stopped talking and looked at him, pushing the anxiety aside he smiled, "Beck Reevee, pleasure. Miss. Bridgerton, is there any way I can have your next dance?"

She stood there a moment froze before coming back to herself, she looked in a direction no doubt her mothers before looking back at him, "Yes, that would be lovely." Beck though heard the stiffness in her voice, she obviously didn't want to do it but was made to.

Stifling a laugh he held out a hand to her to lead her to the dance floor, he couldn't help but smile hearing the music tune playing it was still 'Ariana Grande- Thank Next'. The two bowed to each other before they started to dance, "I couldn't help but notice that you didn't want to accept. Is there a reason?"

She went stiff a moment before speaking, "Why ever would you think that? It is my honor to dance with you." she was trying her best to hold back the sarcasm in her tone but Beck still heard it.

"Let me guess... you don't want to do this because you have no plans of marriage." it wasn't a question he stated it like a fact, a wide grin was on his face though.

"What would ever make you think that your grace." she said looking him straight in the eye causing him to get lost in a trance for a moment.

"Simple. The tone you use is one of uninterest, and to be blunt I saw the looks you keep giving every man in the room. If your goal isn't marriage then what is?" Beck asked even if he knew.

Eloise was stunned she didn't think that any of these 'men' would even care for her words but she still spoke since he asked, "I don't plan to be a wife because I want to be something great. I want to attend university and see the world, I am not like these girls whose only thoughts are marriage and children. Not that I am insulting my sister mind you."

Beck laughed a little hearing her talk about that as the song ended, he noticed from his side eye his brother meeting up with Simon and Anthony while Daphne watched them all. "Well that was honestly the best dance I have ever had, care for another?" he looked her in the eye, the nerves were gone and he was wanting to spend more time with her no matter how brief.

He wasn't a fool she was beautiful to him but there were better woman but to him it was her amazing wit and determination that drew his attraction to her. Eloise was watching him with a raised brow, he could see in her eye that she was curious be none the less she accepted since she was intrigued.

"Where did you get this.... attire?" she asked as they started to dance to the next song.

"Like it? I made it myself, while I was leaving university I came across someone who helped me with the design." Beck said with a smile as they twirled, he was trained from young to dance so there was no stepping on the toes plus his shoes helped.

"They sure are different. Is that what you wanted? The focus of the room so that many girls would flock to you?" she asked.

Beck started to answer and saw from the corner of his eye that her brother was coming with their mother, "No, I could care less if any of them came to me. No there is only one girl who has ever caught my eye but it seems that I need to learn more about her if I am to win her heart. I hope that one day I can get the real diamond by the name of Eloise Bridgerton." He saw her eyes widen some but she didn't answer, "Until next time Eloise." He bowed to her and moved away right as her family reached them he nodded to them while walking to his parents.

He could feel her stare on him since it was something that was on his mind, even if other women in the room were looking at him it was only her that he felt watching him. Since they were leaving he didn't see a reason to dance with any other woman though and spent the rest of the ball behind his mother and father, though he left to greet Simon.

Although not as close as he was to his brother Simon was still someone who he called a friend, when it was getting time to leave the whole family left. The ride home Ryder spoke of a girl from a Baron family that caught his eye but like he agreed with their parents he didn't propose right away.

Ryder was waiting for some more time with the girl to see if she was the right one, Beck meanwhile was still hung up on Eloise the girls eyes haunting him every time he tried to close his own. Her raspy voice was something that could lull him to sleep just by her saying or reading nonsense, though he tried to push that aside and to see the many different things about her.


(Eloise POV)

The night wasn't as she expected, she was thinking it was just going to be her spending the evening with Penelope but who knew that she would meet him tonight. Though she knew that there was a chance that he would be there because of Lady Whistledown's part on his brothers looking for a wife.

The main thought on her mind at the moment though was the fact that he actually listen to her tonight, where most men would brush her off he was listening to every word she said. When she spoke of her dreams she saw that he didn't have a hint of mockery in his eyes, and when the dance ended she felt as though he enjoyed the talk more than the dance.

Becket Reevee or Beck as he asked her to call him, he was someone who she knew wasn't just passing by no she had a feeling if they met again at any ball her dance card would be full of his name. She would never admit it out loud and still held many doubts in her mind, but she was hoping that he wasn't like the others and really meant what he said to her tonight.

As she closed her eyes for the night haunting light blue eyes passed through her thoughts which made her more confused but she let it go.