The day he snapped

As I follow the knight back into the wood so say not this way the other one . He nods as we continue to go down another path . When we hear rustling in the bushes he goes on guard as he readies his sword.

But instead of one of the wolves it's a deer it seems to be as big as a moose I ease my tension as I see it's surprised an confused face .

When it suddenly bares its sharp giant fangs and starts running and jumping towards us . It jumps into the air and seems to double jump as it goes further into the air .

As it dives down for the knight the knight quickly dodges when the animals lands . It's surprised as the knight then stabs it right into the place the sun don't shine .

And then slices upwards and partially cuts the deer in half he seems unfazed by this . As the deer somewhat twitches as it then stops .

He just looks at the deer as he then says come on these things hunt in entire herds there a real pain in the ass to deal with .

Let's move I look at the scene that I've just witnessed with shock on my face .

I snap out of it as I say coming I run towards him as we continue on our path .

We hear all sorts of rustling as he kills more creatures stupid enough to try and ambush us .

When we find a cave somewhere it's a large rock paced up to other large rocks inside it seems to be pretty big .

In fact we may have just found a giant underground giant wolf cave . Also called the spirit eating wolf but that's only what it's called in magical specimens .

When a giant wolf head appears from the trees behind me as the knight turns around he screams watch out .

But the wolf pounces but he's already appeared there and impales the jumping wolf from brain to anus.

The creature continues to twitch as he says I could probably take this creatures parts and core but I already have enough .

So there's no reason to this was supposed to be a vacation . So he says let's go but when he says that he looks behind me once more only to see .

Little Cubs coming out from a hole as they try to drag the bodies of human children . I recognize one of them and say Isabella and I find the child named Jacob the first one to die .

I also see various other children I've never seen as the Cubs come out of the hole there are about 50 of them coming out every minute . There are hundreds of them by now I look at this scene .

My brain seems to stop working as I continue to think just how many people have they killed just how many have them have they killed with out remorse .

One rational part of my brain thinks but their animals they don't know any better they don't have any sense of morality shut up says the other .

This is a world of magic that means there magic so they should be smarter . So why do they still kill humans like this so mercilessly .

I understand that if they were intelligent some of them would still kill humans but most of them probably would stop .

So I have to kill them my Brian seems to stop working as I look coldly at the the knight who just stares back at me as they seem to realize what I mean .

They give me the sword as I charge die you demons I yell out I see the Cubs whimper before they bare their teeth and charge. .

I slice and stab them in the head the Cubs bodies are mutilated even more even after death. And if I stab one I make sure to slice and stab it in the

head again just to make sure it's not faking death .

I continue doing this as I charge and slash my speed without any technique without any skill . But I do not care about this as all intelligence has been erased from me .

Rip and tear I hear a voice say rip and tear until it is done kill them all kill them those who mess with your life with what you want kill kill kill them .

I'll destroy the entire world I say I'll kill them all ever stinking last one of them I'll kill every monster on this planet .

Any one who messes with my life anyone who opposes me I will kill them and with utmost efficiency .

Kill them kill kill kill them stomp and trample them like the little insects they are .

I might have hardly known any of these people but I can't forgive them for what they did to these children to kill them like this .

But my reasonable voice said but you shouldn't change like this all of a sudden it doesn't make sense .

What makes sense any more the only words I have in my vocabulary right now are rip and tear rip and tear until it is done .

When I finally kill the last one I look at my entire body as I see it covered in blood in the blood of thine enemies .

I look at the bodies of the mutilated wolves and smile as I start to laugh that's what you deserve .

I look at the blood of the they have ripped parts of their skin which tells me the wolves only recently started eating them .

I will kill you all I think .Every single fucking last one of you pieces of shit all of you if I have to I'll destroy the entire world .

I yell out die