Truth about Father

"This will be an excellent shot from here" Jin doesn't need to wait for the compacted power to be generated like earlier because, of the FXR-Raven passive for Dual burst as it have already generated after the 1st Dual burst beam of light fired.

It said it is the most lethal strike of the Dual burst skill, which was the second dual burst beam of light. Jin sigh for a moment as he focused his mindset on the ongoing fight that he can see from the Blood bullet skill that he activated and then he pressed the trigger.

*PHEWWW* the beam of light fired from the barrel and, as expected, the beam of light traveled fast. The first contact of the beam of light was the wall. And it instantly exploded, and and then another follow up explosion inside the building. Jin removes his head from the scope and he saw that the building was slowly being engulfed in flames as the fire spreads quickly.

[Radio: this is T4, I was safely over. Thank you for the T1]