Enemy in disarray?!

"Anyway, where is the Guild leader?" the Vice leader looked at the Lion Pride officer that was standing in front of him. "Sir, the Guild Leader is summoning the 3 sub guild leaders for a meeting regarding Jelkala." The lion pride officer replied.

"Wait, what? 3 did we have 4?" the Lion Pride officer was quiet, but he still replied. "Sir, the last one merged with the 3rd sub guild because the last one, the Guild leader, killed their sub guild leader of that 4th sub guild"

"Ahh, I forgot about that," the vice leader tried to clear his collar from the uniform that he was wearing. "Aren't I going to be invite in that kind of meeting?" he asked. "The Guild leader is not calling for your presence Sir" the Lion Pride officer reply after that he turns around walked back to the door.

[Inside the meeting room]