Fallen Angel status

"Welcome to all the squad leaders that is currently present in this briefing. As of now, the Eastern region has a lot of void rifts that are currently needed to be closed. That is our main agenda on today. As of now, there are over 40 squad leaders from squire squads to Name Squads.

Now from those from the Squire Squad that have not yet seen a void rift, this is how it looks." The SFOD squad leader turns around and looked at the controller that he was holding and pressing the button to flash the picture of the void rift.

They flashed a picture of the void rift, amaze some of the Squire squad leader. But for those who have experienced what a void rift is, they felt a chill down to their spine.

And memories came back as trauma of death and blood. That is why the SFOD squad leader was smiling. "What a sinister person," Jin said in his thoughts before walking out of the briefing room.