
Ch 9 "Wrong call!"

Lorraine : Who is this?

............. : "chuckle" It's been a long time , but I didn't expect that you will forget my voice that fast!

"I agree with the caller the voice is so familiar...a female deep voice?"

Lorraine : Carla? aunt Carla is this you!?

Carla : Here you go! I missed you baby!

I started to tear up hearing this voice that I missed so much Carla Miller aka my father's older sister , she was my second mother who took care of me like her own daughter when she left the place with Lucy her daughter for her job I was crying a mess for days! I missed her and I MISSED LUCY TOO!

Lorraine : How are you aunt Carla a-and what about Lucy how is she?

Carla : Pretty well..I called you yesterday but looks like you were busy?

"haha crap!"

Lorraine : Yeah...yeah pretty much!

Carla : I wanted to say that we are back!

Lorraine : Aunt Carla if this one of your jokes I swear!

Carla : You swear what you brat! I am talking serious!

Lorraine : OH MY GOD-

The whole damn Cafe looked at me...glaring at me! and Ashton was trying not to lose himself and laugh out loud because of my silly action!

Carla : hello? Lorraine are you with me?

Lorraine : Yeah yeah continue!

Carla : We will see you and Josh tomorrow alright sweetie? ah and I almost forgot to ask you...how is your practicing going?

Lorraine : When you come tomorrow I will show you!

Carla : I am sure you will do great...you always surprised me with your music

Lorraine : Thank you!

I heard Lucy shouting for her mother she didn't change her attitude at all!

Carla : I gotta go now Lorraine , Lucy is gonna burn the kitchen again "chuckle" see you soon bye!

Lorraine : Bye!

Ashton : So?

Lorraine : It was my aunt "sigh" sorry for taking so long Ash

Ashton : You don't have to in fact I wanted to say that your joyful side is so cute why don't you show this side more often?

I took my coffee sipping it slowly

Lorraine : like...being childish?

Ashton : Yes!

Lorraine : "giggle" Are you serious...how old are you!

Ashton : Does it matter? as long as I can breath I will act how I like "smirk" you are just coward

Lorraine : Coward!

Ashton : You can't deny this fact

Lorraine : I can't deny this fact I can't deny this fact hmmm

Ashton : "chuckle" What?

Lorraine : I am trying to get something so I can make sure to delete this image about me completely..got it!

Ashton : Why do I feel that this is not gonna be a good thing?

Lorraine : You said why I am not dating anyone till now?

Ashton : Yes...and I believe you said you are not into those things!

Lorraine : I do but when it comes to a dare then...watch!

Ashton : Lorraine!

I stood up from my place taking a glass of water with me and stood in front of the cafe and started to speak gaining people's attention

Lorraine : Attention...Attention please! thank you....I know this is weird and...I believe this is the most awkward moment in my entire life but....this cute guys over there asked me why I am still single till now! so I wanna ask you...out loud!...WHO WANTS TO DATE ME!? Come on don't be shy just speak up!

Lets say that most of the cafe are couples and the funny part is that I can see few guys wanted to come on my stage and join me but their girlfriends glare made them zip their mouth shut Ashton was stunned me myself didn't know what the hell I am doing but I enjoyed this I bet Emma and Chloe would cheer me up at this moment

Lorraine : SO no one!? I guess you were-

.............. : I agree!

Male voice...made me stop talking , tall guy with black hair and pierced ear , black hoodie , baggy pants along with his sharp eyes...imagine that guy who literally looks like a villain from a comic book coming towards you in a short cold paths and when he stopped right in front of me I was surprised his height is no joke!

............. : What? did you change your mind or what? "smirk"

Lorraine : I- no umm

............ : "chuckle" I guess it's a yes then!

Ashton : Lorraine!

Lorraine : Huh? yes Ash!

Ashton : We are late aren't you coming or what?

Lorraine : Yes yes coming!

............ : I guess we will meet in another time soon... "smile" Lorraine!

Ashton felt uneasy towards that guy....I could tell he took my hand and walked me outside the place trying his best to collect himself so he don't ruin the day , and to change the subject!

Lorraine : So what do you think?

Ashton : About?

Lorraine : About what I have done inside?

Ashton : Ahh this....silly action!

Lorraine : yes but still take it back I am not coward!

Ashton : Alright you are right I take it back you are not coward you are stupid "giggle"

Lorraine : This isn't funny! I accepted your dare!

Ashton : I didn't dare you with anything!

Lorraine : You said I am Coward this is called a dare to me!

Ashton : Stop...you mean if I asked you to jump from a tower you will do it of course not , instead you made weirdo talking to you in an improper way that guy was completely sick!

Lorraine : Yeah....I agree!

Ashton : Let's take you back silly!

Lorraine : Annoying!

When I came back home I was trying to find my keys inside the bag but I struggled when I finally found the key and was about to open the door Sandra opened the door welcoming me inside I felt weird about this because usually my dad open the door for me to greet me but now his fiance ugh saying this word makes me sick and actually 4 days are left and she will be officially his god damn wife!

Sandra : Hey Lor..how was your day?


Lorraine : Where is dad?

Sandra : Your dad got an emergency call and he had to leave...I am making coffee wanna have a cup with me?

Lorraine : Aren't you his secretary or something why didn't you go with him doesn't he need you?

Sandra : No he tolled me to stay here if you need anything..

Lorraine : "chuckle" You know you don't have to

She took her cup of coffee and put it on the counter that was between us and she was silent for a second

Sandra : At least I am trying!

Lorraine : Seriously...you don't have to be my babysitter dad is so weird why he didn't say like....stay here Sandra so you can come along with Lorraine , like it's not his first time to leave me all alone here..please...how old am I do you think

Sandra : "sigh"why are you treating me like this? I am trying my best but still you...you just pushing me away!

Lorraine : You know that I don't hate you and you also know why I am pushing you away!