
Ch 16 "two directions"

I was laying on the bed beside Lucinda , she was texting someone...maybe her friend..or boyfriend?...and I was in my deep thoughts thinking about what I am facing...and I am not that brave to let out my feelings and my thoughts or..sharing about things in the name of love story so it was complicated pretty complicated...not like the girls these things aren't new for them they are used to all of those Ish

"Earth to Lorraine!" Lucinda said with a smirk on her face

"Here..sorry" I said with my cracked voice

Lucinda came closer to me and coughed grabbing my attention "What's wrong with you since you came back from that date you are not focused at all!" she chuckled " Did you guys somehow...get in touch?"

I jumped from my place and sat probably "What are you trying to say Lucinda?"

"You know like..he tried to take one step closer and something like this" She said with a stupid smirk on her face winking to me and that made me completely shy

"No dirty head nothing had happened...in fact we enjoyed the books there like we didn't have time to talk about something else out of this topic so no" I said trying not to make eye contact between me and her

"Of course of course you are not lying to me" She said looking back to her phone with a smile on her face

"Shut up!" I threw my pillow on her which made her laugh so hard not because of the hit because she knew that I was lying to her

"You silly..you know I would love to hear what happened there , and I'll know..but not now" she said

We heard a door bell downstairs and Aunt Carla called for both of us saying there are visitors and looks like that Lucinda knew about the visitors we went down stairs and found Chloe and Emma on the door , without hesitation we ran to them almost fell on the floor aunt Carla laughed so hard like...guys she was about to record this moment

"I missed you two..missed you missed you missed you so damn much!" Lucinda said hugging them

"We missed you too!" Chloe said

"are we gonna wait on the door or what you silly?!" Emma said pushing Lucinda away

Lucinda laughed so hard and pulled both of the upstairs and I followed them "We actually have a lot to say..and Lorraine is the one who will speak"

Chloe looked at me suspiciously "Ohhh I see"

Emma narrowed her eyes " Why tho?"

"She had a date with that guy Ashton , once she returned back she doesn't speak!" Lucinda said excitedly

Emma said with a smirk "Wait..Ash?"

Chloe ran to me and gave me the hair brush " Here is your mic and here is your audience and I really hope you give us something useful"

"There is nothing to say actually..it was a friendly date at the bookshop not the big deal" I said throwing the hair brush on the bed and carelessly jumping on it

Emma came and laid down next to me "I smell something fishy here"

"Same thing" Lucy said

"Come on Lorraine speak!" Chloe said excitedly

I was about to speak , but I took it back like it's not really the big deal nor remarkable we were about to kiss but have I lost my first kiss? the answer is no...do I feel something towards him the answer is maybe

"Again just a friendly date don't dream so far!" I said shaking my head

Emma smiled and put her hand on my shoulder "Lorraine....you are the most boring creature I have ever seen in my life!"

Chloe and Lucinda laughed so hard on what Emma said...Emma used to be our joker card and the mood maker in our group and it's not offensive when she say that to me like I already got used to it

I said with a smile "I know Emma and I am proud!"

Lucinda spoke changing the topic , and her voice was a bit serious "Lorraine what are you gonna do with Sam?"

Chloe narrowed her eyes "Sam?"

Emma continued "Did we miss something or what?"

I ignored them and replied to Lucinda "Yes Lucy I don't know why are you scared from this?"

"Because he is a player!..he is just using girls!" Lucinda said with a serious tone

"Player? I see , pretty interesting...like for real he thought I will fall for him?" I chuckled shaking my head

Emma said waving towards us "Hello we are here!?"

"Any explanation please?" Chloe said

I explained every thing to them how we met and that we are in the same band

Emma sighed "Lorraine don't play this card!"

"Yeah your cards are week and you have no experience" Chloe said

"Then let's have experience!" I said

"Are you crazy Lorraine...I am not throwing you to him he is my friend and all but still!" Lucinda said chuckled "You think he will do it forcefully...you are wrong?!"

Hmm is that so?

I found someone texting me and it was actually him

Sam : Lorraine don't forget about tomorrow , lots of fun is waiting for you so be ready!


"Who texted you...it's him am I right?" Lucinda asked

"Nope...unimportant message" I said closing my phone

"I know that me and Chloe tried to get you a partner but after what we knew!! you are crazy Lorraine" Emma said

"Girls please it's gonna be fine and even if....even if I denied tomorrow's date I will meet him at practice room" I said

"Practice room , and I am sure he will practice on you one day because you are so naive" Chloe sighed

"Chloe is right , we warned you Lorraine...and we are still warning you...toxic relation won't continue" Lucinda said

"Guys what the hell...for god sake- you know dating and having affair is not my cup of tea alright I have a lot to do more importantly than dating...Sam and Ashton are just my friends nothing more and even if I felt uneasy or feelings I would bury those thoughts so you don't have to worry" I said

The three of them looked at each other shaking their heads in disappointment...but seriously I don't have time to keep my eyes on every single details I don't fear anything for now...

I got a phone call it was from dad I was so happy I really missed him like so damn much so I jumped from my place and went outside the room

Josh : Lorraine!

Lorraine : Hey dad what's up *I smiled*

Josh : Everything is great what about you my princess?

Lorraine : Not good...I missed you so much!

Josh : Ah..you don't know how much I miss you Lorraine , but listen I promise you once I get back me and Sandra we will have a family trip together forgive me

I chuckled internally...I don't know how to react , and although I am now trying to be the tough girl who doesn't care I am still the little Lorraine who cries from the smallest details

Lorraine : Alright dad!

Josh : I can hear your sad voice...cheer up!

Lorraine : I will

Josh : See you soon honey

Lorraine : Take care of yourself dad!

I closed with him putting my hand on my mouth to make sure no one hear my sobbing why I feel like I am lost...why I can't control myself just for once and do one correct choice?