

It was just a strong infatuation to someone. A strong liking but to her it was more than that.

Yes, they were young but she knew that every person is bound to be with someone whose destined to be with them.

They were supposed to be happy. But that satisfaction was only temporary.

They have dreams, dreams to be fulfilled. But what happened to them?

Do they end up together? Did they fight for their young love?

Who do you think give up first?

Is love enough to choose to stay and not leave? But what if there are any serious reasons?

Will you choose to forgive? Or will you just let the two of you walk away on different paths?

Note: This is a stand alone story. Please be aware that I'm creating my own little world. If you don't like it, I'm not asking you to read it. Thank you for your support. It was a big help.