Hey, Crush! Be Mine 2

Synclair Rousell Oribiada's

I have this one girl that really caught my attention, the very first day of school. She's pretty. My friends said that she admires me. But too shy to try to open a conversation with me.

It's really awful if a girl will do the first move instead of a boy. I admit, I was waiting for her confirmation in her admiration towards me. But the school year is about to end, still she's doing nothing.

“Sync, what now? Are you just going to wait there? Make a move, my friend. Do you want someone make her his, instead?” Gavin, my concern friend.

“Not on my watch, Gav. I'm handsome and I'm sure she's loyal to me,” I proudly said but honestly, I was a little nervous about what Gavin said.

I am just her crush and there's a big possibility that she'll fall to another person.

“Okay, Sync! You're free to think whatever you want to think.” He laugh loudly that makes the group of Lailou or should I say Lou looked at us.

We're at the cafeteria. It's our breaktime that's why I choose to stay there but honestly, my real intention is to stalked Lou. Yes, I admit. I sometimes, became her stalker when I wanted to see her. It feels like, my day isn't complete without seeing her around.

“Heck, Sync! If I were you, I'll approach her instead of just glancing at her.” Calixto joined the conversation.

"Yeah, Sync!" Lisa, her girlfriend seconded. She's the only girl in our group.

“Don't interfere with my decision, guys. I can decide on my own. I'll be heading back to the classroom. You're all annoying. Tss!” I said annoyed before leaving them there.

It's annoying! Lou was still there. I'm not yet contented on taking a glance at her. The three was like a pest! It doesn't seem like they're not my friends.

I went back to our classroom. After all I could glance at her again. I will just wait for her to came back to her classroom.

“Sync, Miss Santiago is looking for you! She said that you must join the quiz bee,” Steven blurted out, he's one of my classmate

Wow! Sometimes, the teacher were like pest too! I'm about to wait for my babe then she'll interrupt.

Hayst! What a life!

“Oh, okay! When?” I asked uninterested.

“It would be next week. She'll talk to you, tomorrow.”


I thought she wanted me to went to the department, now. Lucky, me!

“Okay, thanks!”

Steven taps my shoulder before entering to our classroom.

I made a little chitchat with my classmate that were outside but truthfully, I'm waiting for Lou's arrival. I can see her classroom because it was just one block away from my classroom. I'm in the left while her is in the right.

As Lou arrives, I smile for I saw her beauty, again.

Hay, Lou! If only you knew how crazy I am to you. I'm sure you won't believe it.

Lailou Fleurica Altamirandi's

As I walked with my friends, we are heading back to our classroom, I'm thinking of ways on how I will love the Math subject. I really hate it. I'm always a loser when it comes to that subject.

“Lou, you might fell. We're nearing to our classroom and as usual, I can saw Sync. In all fairness, our school uniform fits on him,” Eunyce blurted out. It really can't pass a day that she won't annoyed me with her antics.

Should I do the same to her? But how? I don't know her crush.

“Eunyce, I'm not thinking about Synclair. I'm thinking about our Math subject. On how I would fight that subject and turn it down,” I seriously said but they only laughed at me.

I pouted my lips. Kainis naman! I'm serious!

“Just confess, my dear bestfriend so you won't imagine about your life with him,” Leiyan motivates me.

“Myghad, Lou! Sync might get jealous because you're thinking too much on Math instead of thinking about him,” Sela laughed while speaking.

She's holding her tummy and also the two. But what is funny about it?

“Girls, stop laughing! You're at the hallway not inside your room. Be firm. Go inside your room!” the voice of Mr. Cardinal makes the three stop on laughing.

That's what they get on bullying their own friend. Hahahaha.

“We're sorry, sir!” They apologetically said in chorus. I also apologize for he might scold me, too.

They quickly went to our classroom while I was left behind. I scratched my head before leaving Mr. Cardinal.

They really have the guts to leave me behind. Unluckily, I bumped on the wall. I didn't saw it. It hits my whole face.

Omygahd! My nose!Huhu. I'm really so unlucky, right now!

“Are you okay, Lou?” I don't know if they are concerned or they wanted to laugh at me. They are all in front of me.

“Do I look like I'm okay? If you're the one who bumped the wall, then you're not okay! Tss,” I said annoyed.

I walked inside our classroom, holding my nose.

You are so unlucky, Lou! Maybe you had a mark on your body that makes you being unlucky.

“Lou, come here. We'll bring you to the clinic,” it was Leiyan's voice. I ignored her.

I don't care. Hmp. It's fine even my nose got swollen. I'm still pretty. But if Sync saw what happened? What will I do? Huhu. I really don't have anymore courage to face him.

What a shame! Kainis! Land, eat me, please!

“It might swell more, Lou. Please, go to the clinic,” our president said.

I didn't pay attention to them. I put my chin on top of my arms and let them whine.

“Zancho, ask an ice from the cafeteria so Lou can puts an ice on his nose,” our vice president commanded to one of our brat classmate.

“I'm fine! The class is about to begin and it's not a good idea that one would leave. Our teacher might scold him,” I rebuke them for their intention on doing that.

“But, Lou we are just concerned on your nose. It might swell more,” Leiyan said.

It's not that painful. They are just overreacting. They are more overreacting than me.

“It wasn't so painful so it won't swell more, okay. Let me be.”

“Okay, if you say so,” Krista shrugged her shoulder, she's our president and left me.

Next time, I'll take my revenge on that wall. I'll make pay that wall by crushing it into another wall.


We're not okay, wall. I'm not gonna use you anymore as my walling partner. Put it on the rock.

I evil smile.

I became crazy. I decided to listen to the lesson that our teacher would teach us, that had unpleasant face as he entered our room.
