I don't Understand

Omnipresent narrator

Both Isaac and Shaun turned to see whose voice was calling. Then to their surprise, it was Henry; he did not hesitate long to turn completely to who was his couple.

Shaun: Henry? I thought you were home, wait, do you know Isaac? -he asked innocently without noticing the older man's look of disgust-.

Henry: That doesn't matter. What are you doing with him? Where were you? -Shaun at that moment noticed that he was upset but he didn't understand the reason, besides, Why was he behaving like this? He was not doing anything wrong, the blond was questioning him arrogantly and he would not allow it, that attitude bothered him-.

Shaun: I was walking through the park, I don't need to give you explanations about where or who I am with, I don't want to sound rude but you are not my brother to rule over me -he said firmly although inside he felt nervous about behaving that way he not would stand idly by-.

Henry: You're right but I just wanted to know what you were doing, you know you are not allowed to be so out at this time -he tried to soften his voice, failing in the attempt- I would understand if you were just walking around but, With him? -Her annoyed tone returned, he was more than intrigued and jealous to know what his boyfriend was doing with that boy from his past who brought him only bad memories- stay away from him, Isaac.

Shaun: I don't understand your behavior towards Isaac or the reason why you are so upset with me, I tried to give you your space to rest and, where were you? Outside the house, who knows where, I know that I don't control you either and I don't care but I don't think that complaining that I left can solve your problems of "tiredness" -he took a deep breath and released that air that he was holding, decided he turned around towards the chestnut tree and I dedicate a soft smile to him- Goodbye Isaac, thanks for today -without waiting for an answer, he entered the house slamming the door, drawing the attention of those who were in the living room although he did not care, he just wanted to go to his room and distract himself from all the drama he had done with the blond.

Ethan: Hey Shaun, where were you? You know you can't be out at this time, and if something happens to you o- -he was interrupted-.

Shaun: I know Ethan, I know I shouldn't be out, you don't have to repeat it every time I'm even a minute late. I know that you are my older brother, my only family and you are the most important thing to me but I ask you please stop treating me this way, I am not a baby, I am not anymore -he did not bother to think of any consequence of everything he said, he just didn't want to talk to anyone-.

Once he entered his room, he locked the door, leaning on it, and then dropped to the floor releasing the first sob that made his throat burn and that was accompanied by uncontrollable tears, he not only cried with anger at being treated like a little because of the people most important to him or because they believed he was weak, also of sadness because it was the first time he yelled at more than one person, he never imagined treating his brother or Henry aggressively. It hurt. And although he felt that the world was coming upon him all the thoughts of him were stopped for a second when he heard a desperate knock on his door; without spirits, he got up, wiped his tears as best he could even though they kept coming out, he opened the door only to find himself face to face with the blond who showed a face of disgust, confusion, and regret.

Henry: Shaun, I think we need to talk -he tried, he really tried to make his voice calm but his annoyance was marked in the tone of his voice; the shorter one did not say anything, he just stood aside to let him into the room- I don't know what happened downstairs with you but I need to talk to you about some things.

Shaun: Oh yeah? About what? How do you prefer to go out to who knows where instead of telling me your problems? Look, Henry, I understood that you were tired, I understood that you did not want my touch, I understood that you preferred to go out instead of spending time with me when I wanted to help you although I knew you wanted time alone but I do not understand why you bother if I was only with Isaac speaking, it's not like I've been unfaithful or something like that -he was silent for a moment processing what he just said- Or is it that you think so? Do you have so little confidence in me to believe that I can do that? -He did not resist and released every word he felt without taking into account the confused face of his couple, he felt his own words as pangs in his chest at the thought that perhaps the older one thought that of him; It was silly for him to believe that, but he had his reasons-.

Henry: No, Shaun, listen to me please, that way we won't get anywhere if you don't let me talk - he was totally surprised by the younger's behavior, he no longer felt annoyed, he did nothing but keep quiet as not to interrupt him, he knew it made everything worse when he spoke to him so aggressively, he never used that tone with him and he was sorry- I just ... it wasn't that I wanted to imply, okay? I will explain everything to you. I have known Isaac since I lived in Siberia, we have not interacted for 20 years, but I have not forgotten anything about my stay there; when we were there we were very little united since he was always very arrogant and hated that, he always ended up insulting me, he always moved me away from what I liked the most, when some problems arose I had to be involved in some fights with him which were nothing nice. I did not want to tell you anything about my life in Siberia because most, in fact, all my memories there are sad, from the death of my mother to Issac - he sighed and continued -seeing him next to you I felt very angry, well, he was jealous in part; He never changed his way of being, he continued to be that way and in case you wonder how I know, a few months ago I was walking down an avenue and I saw him bothering a boy, nothing serious but he still had that arrogant look that I knew when we were children, that's why I couldn't allow him to be with you, I thought I could do something to you and I didn't want to imagine that -he finished his story and nervously took the younger's hands- I'm sorry for that, for everything.

Shaun: Henry -he spoke firmly but with some understanding, he understood that but still had several doubts- I understand your reasons but you didn't have to put yourself that way, besides, he did not behave in a bad way with me, on the contrary, he helped me to return to the house, at first I thought he was someone weird but he showed me the opposite, there was nothing that gave me any indication that it was the way you describe, I am not saying that I do not believe you but I knew his friendly side and with that I am fine He really didn't do anything to me, we talked a bit and nothing more. Also, I still want to have an explanation why you have been so cold to me, I have been having a hard time not being able to touch you or talk to you as I wanted, it hurt me that you told me that you wanted to be alone in such a neutral way that I thought you were already thinking about ending with me, -he said, her emerald eyes filled with tears than struggled to get out-.
