
Shaun narrates

Today was a day with too many emotions; everything was going well until it went to the trash the moment I heard Henry speak; it's the first time I hated having to hear his voice. I could not know the reason for his behavior, in the morning he treated me as if he did not exist and now he was angry for leaving the house; certainly arguing with him about the reason for his cold attitude didn't help my mood at all. I preferred to lie down to read a little to distract my mind from all the problems I have now. I loved to read and it always helped me to read my favorite book, "The Three Musketeers", although it is a French version it is truly wonderful besides that I can practice my French, it was a bit early when I started so I had time before falling asleep in the last page.

Scott narrates

When I woke up there was no longer as much sun as was normal, so I thought that afternoon was approaching; I took a shower, I fixed my hair very little because I noticed that it was too long and had a little damaged ends, I started to think about cutting it a little. It didn't take long for me to finish making the bed and to go out with the great luck of not encountering any of my headaches or Shaun, I headed to the door to take a little walk around the mall, eat and get a haircut.

*At the mall*

Once I arrived it was already noon, I did not eat anything at home so I went to a food place, finding myself with the pleasant surprise that there was Shaun, and apparently there was another boy with whom he was talking very friendly.

Scott: Shaun, hi! -I waved my hands in the air calling the attention of him and that of the boy next to him-I had not seen you since yesterday, you left me worried, how are you?

Shaun: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm fine Scott, yesterday I left early, I came back late, also forgot to tell… -he paused, his gaze and smile faded almost imperceptibly- to you and my brother notify about what was going to come out, the same thing I was going to do today, I need a change in routine -I looked at him slightly surprised since he usually prefers the comfort of the house but I do not blame him, he would act like that if he had problems with someone and did not want to see him- well, it does not matter -he smiled slightly, making a look of, melancholic-joy?- Are you going to order something? The food here is very good, I have come here before and you really do not want to stop coming, you would almost live here if you like the food -he started to laugh like me, we did not take long, the boy next to him gave him a little bump with the arm- Oh, right, I forgot; Scott, this is Isaac, a friend -the boy inclined his head slightly and smiled a little. His smile is cute-.

Isaac: Hello, nice to meet you -he extended his hand, I reciprocated the squeeze, I didn't notice anything strange until he did something I didn't imagine; he slid his hand to my fingertips and kissed my knuckles, making my ears and cheeks turn red, I just looked at him in amazement just like Shaun- Oh sorry, did it bother you? I felt, I don't know, an urge to do that -he ran the hand that held mine around his neck taking a small distance; well, this is already a little weird, right? - What are they going to order? -he looked away at the menu in front of us, I think he was trying to downplay what happened, I tried to do the same-.

Shaun: Oh I'm going to order an order of fireballs* -he said looking at the small menu on the table- You, Scott?

*They are rice balls that can be filled with different ingredients, be it meat, seaweed, cheese, chicken or another food of your liking.

Scott: I think I'll order an order of noodles from Soba* -I turned slightly outside the place to distract myself a bit and forget what the boy did, I didn't even hear what Shaun's friend said but I kept thinking about how the pair of fools was going to solve their problems and get on with the hell of a good time-.

*They are cold noodles made with flour from buckwheat that are bathed in a sauce or broth in which they are dipped.

Ethan narrates

(Ethan's room) (In the morning)

I got up thanks to the annoying noise of the alarm that began to sound around 11:00 in the morning; I got out of bed determined to get ready to start the day, I went to the bathroom to shower, brush and choose a simple outfit. Without giving much detail, I left the room and went to Shaun's to ask him if he wanted to go out for a while, I still didn't want to have a "talk" with Henry so I decided to go first with my brother. It was already 2:00 in the afternoon.

It took me at least five minutes knocked, I was getting desperate and "luckily" for me, before knocking on the door one more time, Henry appeared. I ignored him, banging on the door again but when I didn't get a response I started knocking louder.

Henry: Shaun is not -I looked at him somewhat annoyed and puzzled by what he said- Scott told me that he is with Shaun in the mall, they must have left early -he said shrugging and going to the kitchen-.

Ethan: I didn't ask you -in a matter of seconds I remembered what Scott told us, I let out a slight grunt, at the thought of this I decided to mention it, I don't wanna see my brown eyed boy frowning again- hey, silly.

Henry: Tell me -his voice sounded more neutral than normal-.

Ethan: Look, I know you hate me and you know that I hate you but this getting along I see it very complicated, we promised Scott to fix this but I don't know how -he turned to see something, surprised? He collected himself instantly- Do you have something in mind?

Henry: It's inconvenient, I know it too, but if I want to be able to be with Shaun without you watching my every move and for you to stop worrying about your brother and me too much, we need to cooperate, plus it might make Shaun happy to see his brother getting along better with his boyfriend.

Ethan: Damn -I clicked my tongue- you're right, the first thing we should do is make the passes, right? -he nodded- so, apologize first for hiding this-.

Henry: Are you kidding? The one who has made Shaun and me suffer from the beginning has been you, if we want this to work, you need to put your pride aside and apologize for making our lives into squares -he said preparing something to eat without turning to see me-.

Ethan: Okay -I answered through my teeth and sighed resigned to the blond's reason- well... first of all, I'm sorry, I haven't been the best with Shaun when it comes to their relationship but it's just to think that he is no longer my little brother makes me sick; I know he is far from your plans to hurt him but, I don't know, I feel that I should be the only one to take care of him, I know you would take good care of him but I don't feel safe anyway. Also, although I do not want to say it, I regret how I have behaved with you, I have asked you to stop treating him well, that has hurt him and also you; however, I'm sorry to ask you to do that, I know you weren't in your plans to harm him -I said without much enthusiasm but sincerely-.

Henry: It's the best thing you've said to me since we met -I looked at him badly, he just shrugged again- well, I accept your apology; I also regret how I behave with you after having found out about me with Shaun but you must understand that one day he should no longer require all your attention or help, he is strong and neither you nor I doubt it, we both have the afraid that he no longer need us anymore but I really want you to let me be with Shaun, I don't want any more of your complaints about touching him or something, besides forgetting the matter of stopping treating him lovingly or being with him alone because you just said it yourself, I have never thought of harming Shaun in any way, I love him more than anything in this world and if you just let me show it freely, maybe you would understand, do you understand? -he said sitting with his hands clasped on top of the table looking directly at me-.

Ethan: Okay, now the main thing is that Shaun is fine, that matter should be fixed by you, mainly because you are -I hesitated- his couple and I don't think he will pay much attention to me -after several seconds, I finished with the conversation, I went to the front door, after this all I wanted was to see Scott, I wanted to tell him about this and see his radiant smile-.
