Bad moment

Narrates Ethan

After finishing my conversation with Henry, I left the house, headed for the garage, unlocked my car, and made my way to the mall.

It didn't take me more than 30 minutes as there was no traffic and I was going at a fast speed compared to the established speed for driving. Upon arrival, the parking lot of the place was somewhat empty, so I could park the car near the main door of the great place. I got out of the car and upon entering the first thing I observed was a small place where they sold spiced noodles although my eyes focused on a brown hair, which I quickly identified, was Scott; when I was going to get closer I could see him being held by the hand by a boy with brown hair, one way or another I felt my blood boil at that; I walked quickly but silently towards them and once by Scott's side I reached my hand over his shoulder and withdrew the other boy's hand and in a state where my body no longer did what I thought I pulled Scott towards me.