Amusement Park

Scott narrates

(30 minutes before)

I didn't know how to act once we got out of the car, my mind wandered but it always came back to the same thought, "... I'm Scott's boyfriend." No matter how much I thought about it, my face felt hot every time I thought about it; however Ethan as upset as he might be for Isaac, I don't think he would dare say that just to take care of Shaun unless...

Ethan: Scott, are you okay? You are very red -I was so caught off guard that I made a little jump when he touched my forehead, he looked worried- you don't seem to have a temperature, are you sure that guy didn't do anything to you? -her tone of voice sounded annoyed; although it sounded silly, it felt a bit good to think that he was saying it because he was jealous and not because he was worried about Shaun since he would usually go with him to verify that he was okay but he stays with me, a silly idea, right?-.

Scott: I'm fine, just -I couldn't finish as he interrupted me-.