Chapter Ten - Perfect for each other

Ella's POV

I actually think Jack and Lena will do just fine with each other.

Unlike me, Lena is not into relationships. She is not into commitment and that stuff. She is okay just living her life like that.

No hard feelings and she says she equally gets all the benefits that she could get from being in a relationship: the carnal, the shopping, the dates, the presents, and what have you.

This is the reason Eddie had a problem at the beginning of my friendship with her back at college.

He was concern that she may be a bad influence on me, but I had him understand that Lena chooses what she does with her sexual life and I'm okay being her friend because it doesn't make her a bad person.

She is actually a lovely person and friend and I don't blame nor judge her for the choices and decisions that she makes in her life.

He eventually came around when he came to realize what a good person Lena was and I am happy he did because his opinion matter a lot in my life.

He is more than a friend to me. after what happened with my parents - first my mum and then my dad, He had been there in my worst times when I needed him most.

He fills the role of an elder brother and even my dad at times I don't know how I got so lucky as to have him as my friend, my best friend. Lena and Eddie are the most important people In my life after my mum.

"you lost me somewhere because I don't seem to know where you are now.? Lena said bringing me back from my thoughts.

I almost forget that she is still in the living room with me.

"Oh I'm sorry I might have spaced out for a while" I apologized

"Do you want to share cause I can see it wasn't a pleasant trip to where you spaced out to?" I could see the concern on her face even when she tried to cover it with a smile.

This is the Lena I'm talking about

She always cares

She wants to share her worries with you.

She assists in the best way she could.

I don't know the expressions that were on my face but it sure shouldn't have to be that or she misread my facial expressions. That I doubt cause Lena can read me like an open book.

" I'm fine Lena. "

"Should we out for dinner.? I suggested instead.

"Yeah, I'm in. It's being a while we went out for dinner together." She agreed.

"I will take a quick shower and then we can leave."

"A real quick one Lena, I promise," I added when Lena narrowed her eyes at me.

I like water and I also love spending long hours of my time in the shower as a result.

so that was her telling me to make it quicker than my definition of quick.

She will cme and drag me out of the bathroom anyway.

Trust me habits die hard and now this habit has become something I look forward to after a long day at the office like today itself.