Chapter Thirteen--Creepy surprise

Ella's POV

"You?" I exclaimed

"Edward! What are you going here?"

"Yes me, why?" He questioned raising his brows at me.

"Mm.. is just I...I wasn't expecting you." I stuttered

"And what do you mean by what am l doing here?"I was giving you a surprise only to find you sleeping soundly and giggling in your sleep like a little girl who is given her favorite ice cream, so I waited for you to wake up and you finally did." He teases

"That sounds creepy. You must have waited for long. You could have just woke me up though." I tease back at him.

"Not quite long... About 15 minutes. He answered after checking the time on his watch before adding

"Plus, it was refreshing watching you giggle and smile in your sleep, and you looked so happy yourself that I didn't want to break nor take away that beautiful smile from your face,"

"aw, that sounds even more creepy," I chuckle

"So, are you telling me what got you smiling in your sleep?" Eddie asked

"It was a dream," I answered

He only nods his head.

" I miss mum Eddie," I whisper

"Come here," he said tapping his hand on the space in front of him on the bed.

"I miss her too and she also misses you. She is always with you. You know that right?"

Right. He is right, mum is with me and always will be. She is watching over me from above and I want to become a better person for her.

"Yeah she is," I spoke

"Now tell me what have you been up to?" He asked with some eagerness.

"Nothing interesting."

And that wasn't completely a lie. Recently there has been nothing interesting about anything I do. It is like a part of me is missing though I can't seem to figure out what is it that is the problem.

"Ella I'm sorry -" I raise my eyebrows out of confusion because I don't know why he should be sorry or what he is sorry for.

"I've been so immersed in this case that I didn't get time for my little princess." He continues.

Little princess. I'm I little? If someone hears him that person will think I'm a five-year-old or Eddie is five years older than me.

But that is not the case because Eddie is only a year older than me.

Well... I would have reminded him how many years he is older than me but this is certainly not the right time. I can see the concern glittering in his beautiful brown eyes.

How could I not figure that Eddie being the Eddie that he is will blame himself for my loneliness because he is not having time for me?

"It's fine. Your career first."

"No don't say that!" He exclaims.

"I... I mean I'm not a baby that you are obliged to babysit or something. And your work is equally important." I explained

I'm not mad at him or anyone. I don't blame him for his lack of time for me these past weeks.

I understand that being a police officer is not an easy task and he can't always have time to be by me. I know there is time he can't help it and he wishes he could so I don't hold anything against him for that. I'm rather happy for him that he is doing what he wants and living his dreams.

"Eddie dear, you worry too much. I'm fine honestly I am fine. And don't blame yourself nor your work. I'm happy you are doing something you like. " I assure him

"Let me making up to you by taking you out for dinner."

"You don't have to worry though." I lied

"Really? But why do I seem to see you trying to hide the gin playing at the corner of your lips." Eddie said smirking at me.

How I so want to slap that smirk away from his face.

"Let's go then, shall we?" I chuckled.

We pick a table situated in the far right corner of the restaurant. A waiter walks up to our table and gives us the menu to make our order. The way the waiter is flirting with Eddie didn't go unnoticed by me as Eddie ignores her completely.

"I have been thinking," I started when the waiter let after Having jotted down her number on the napkin which she gave to Eddie.

I wasn't supposed to see it through.

"About," He asked

"You know I have been kind of lonely of late. If I'm not working then I'm just by myself, and the loneness is beginning to bore me to death."

"What is driving at huh." He pressed. Pretending not to know what is it that I was trying to say.

"What I'm saying is that if I was in a relationship then maybe I wouldn't be that lonely when I'm not working and you or Lena is not around," I explained regardless

"Even though I don't want to admit it to myself. I miss James Eddie. And I think I wouldn't be feeling this way if I was in a relationship, even if it's with a different person, in fact, it will help me feel better," I continued to argue on my point.

"I know you do miss him, but do you want to let everything go and get back with him after what he has put you through?" Eddie questioned.

"You ha..." The beeping of my phone stops him from completing what he wanted to say.

"Excuse me for a second." I excused digging my phone out from my purse.

"A business trip tomorrow. Sam will pick you up at 6:00 am." Mr. Grey speaks immediately I answered the phone.

"Okay sir," I reply to him.