Chapter thirty-four-- Revealation 2

Ashton's POV

That was the worst sound that I had ever had to hear. I felt like crying myself when her voice cracked and she cried on my chest but I had to be strong to comfort her.


"Ella, I want you to know that I will always be here for you" I found myself saying.

After last night and now I realized that Ella is different and I like her. I realized that I didn't want to lose her. But I had to take my time especially after everything she just told me. I needed to be sure before asking her out. It was hard on her and for her to something like that with me, means she trusts me.

A name from her dream last night kept playing in my head.

"Thank you, Ash, it means a lot," she said hugging me.

How nice my name sound coming from her kissable lips.

"Who is James? Is he your brother? What happened to him?" I blurt out

"A question at a time, Mr." how is she calm when I'm boiling inside.