Something Strange About Jeong Hyeok

“Why is he acting weird?”

Stuffing a bite of sweet rice ball in my mouth, I wonder endlessly why Tae Yoon is behaving strangely nowadays. I mean, he’s still stoic and imposing, but despite his cold demeanor, he acts so caring and warm towards me.

Aside from cooking breakfast every day, he insisted on a packed lunch for me this morning.


Turning my back when I felt a warm nudge on my arm, I saw Tae Yoon holding something that was neatly tied with a pink handkerchief, veiling a box in shape object that smells so good. Packed lunch?

“What’s that?”

Instead of answering, his free hand took one of my hands and placed it there. Prodding me to raise my other hand to support its weight.

“Eh? Is this a packed lunch? You want me to carry your packed lunch!”

He stared at me as if I was the most stupid person who ever lived. He tipped his head on the side and I saw another packed lunch on the table. Well, I’m the most unassuming person I admit. So this is mine?