Tae Yoon instructs me to stay down while he prepares to move in the direction of the bush.
“No, I’m not staying here!” I complain in a hushed tone, giving him a glare.
Knowing that he can’t subdue me just like what happened last time, he sighs defeatedly and points to my left. He gestures to me to go on the other side while him on the other.
Crawling slowly towards the bush where the sound came from, I tighten my hold on the stick just in case.
The bush moves more aggressively this time and by a snap from the other side, I instinctively jump to the bush, the same time as Tae Yoon. I raise the hand holding the stick and am ready to hit the person behind it, only to stop abruptly mid-air, after seeing the guy Tae Yoon has successfully pinned on the ground.
He is anything but the lewd exhibitionist we are looking for.