
Alarm is evident in their eyes when I suddenly rush outside of the room, the door banging loudly behind me. Officer Pyo’s neck pops out from his cubicle, while the other officers straighten up, mistaking it for an emergency. The most talkative, Officer Yeong Ho, even stands up waiting for instructions.

Which didn’t come.

I can see them exchanging glances with each other as I leave them without a word.

I am confused too, but at this moment, Ma Ri’s safety is all that is on my mind. If I could only fly my car to where she is, I would have done so, in order to be on her side any minute by now.

The agitation rises even more as I reach the beach. An empty boat is on the shore and there’s one far away already in the middle of the sea.

“Oh, Tae Yoon-ssi! There you are!”

“Oppa! You came!”

The village head’s wife and Bo Ra’s cheerful faces appear from a nearby hut. They stroll towards my direction, but I have no time to stall, thus I run immediately to the empty boat.