New Day, New School

Emily opens up the car door, taking a seat beside her father's. "Ready to go?" The excited father figure asks. She nodded silently.

Despite the mood she has been giving, her parents tried to stay cheered up for her. So she can get back up, and be herself again.

"Alright, put on your seatbelt. We're off to go now."

With that, the daughter and father started their little journey to the school. Along the way, Emily's eyes are fixed on what's outside the window. You can tell she hasn't lost the explorer slash adventurer spirit in her.

How can she lose it? It's a part of her.

The favorite part of the journey for Emily is the trees. The trees haven't lost their effects on Emily. Once again, it succeeds to calm her down, as it has always been a safe place it is.

The journey wasn't bad, but rather quiet. Based on what she had seen, this is a beautiful town. Not much difference from her old home except for there are neighbors around them and fewer woods.

After 20 light minutes, the father and daughter pair finally arrived at the school.

Isn't the journey supposed to be shorter due to the distance between the school and the house, plus considering the vehicle that they rode to make it to school?

It's obvious that Emily's dad took a longer route to drive since he realized how engrossed his little daughter to what's outside the window.

Little things that dad does for us. Seems small but that gives us a little happiness, right? Whether we realize it or not.

"Here we are," said Emily's father after stopping the car. Emily was about to get out of the car when her father stopped her with his words. "Wait, can you go alone? I can go with you to the principal's office."

" I can go alone," she quietly answered. Giving her father a quiet "bye," she shut the car door before giving his father a last glance before leaving.

With that, she make her steps to enter the main building without bothering the other students at the school front yard.

She walk through the main door only to be welcome by a loud corridor. As she walks into the corridor, she can feel eyes on her, realizing the existence of a student that has never been seen before. She just sighs quietly. Only the closed ones knows how much she hated attention and words about her.

Emily keep her head low, looking at the tiles of the floor. She doesn't even bother about the students. She just hope the attention that is directed to her won't be for long. I mean, it's normal to be looking and talking about a new student, right?

She keeps walking, hoping to find a restroom just so she can hide in there for a few minutes.

To her luck, she found a restroom sign not far from where she is standing right now. She continues her step to the restroom until someone accidently collide with her unbalanced body causing her fall on the hard floor.

"Ow," can quietly be heard coming out of her mouth.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she heard coming from up. "Let me help you," suddenly a body lowered down to reach out her hand that is supporting her poor body.

She was hesitant at first but thinking about not wanting to create a bad term with someone on her first day, she take the hand without a second thought. The hand is stronger than she thought, as it easily manage to pull her up without putting much energy.

Just as she stand up, she is faced with a sweet-looking face inches away from her. Startled by how close their faces are, her leg take a step back by itself.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I shocked you?" Her mouth does not answer to the question given to her. Her focus was interrupted by the face in front of her.

"Well, uhm... I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry to find the new student not realizing that I bump into the student I was looking for," said the guy in front of you with whom you realized to have very healthy-looking and shiny brunette hair.

"O-oh, It's okay," she stutters. Wait, why would she stutter? It's not like she has never talked to a guy before.

Probably due to how long she has never talked to people properly and actually going out of the house.

"You were looking for me?" Emily ask. "Oh yes, I have been given the duty to show you around the school," he said with a smile in between his sentence. "My name is Cameron."


Cameron leads her to the principal's office before giving her a walk around the school. But just as they were going to the next destination to visit, the bell rings, signing the first period has started.

"Oh, the bell rings," he stated while pointing out a finger to the ceiling. His eyes are now directing at her while changing his position to a much comfortable position.

He put his hands in the pocket of his pants before continuing to talk to Emily.

"How about we continue our session on lunch?" He said with an encouraging smile plastered on his lips while his eyes sparkle, hoping she will accept his request.

"Sure," she simply answer with a small smile on her face, just trying to be polite by giving back a smile.

Cameron gladly took Emily's answer with a sincere smile on his face. "Wow, he is definitely a people person,"

Emily thought in her mind.

It is not like Emily has this weird thing disliking a sociable person, it is just her being the completely another way around kind of make her feel overwhelmed at times.

Especially when she is forced to go on a school trip, or any event that includes a bunch of people. Just imagining the noises that those people make by talking about gossips and useless things already disturb her.

She is better on her own. She enjoys her own company.

"Cool, I will lead you to your class," Cameron said, directing "the new kid" the way to her class.

With that, the two of them start walking quietly down the corridor.


Emily knocks on the door before stepping into the class after thanking her new "friend" for showing the way to her class. Cameron walks away, going to his class after gladly receiving Emily's appreciation.

After hearing a "come in," comes from inside of the class, she steps into her new class, her eyes barely looking at anything except for the floor and the older female in the class.

"Oh, you are the new student, right?" she just silently nodded to the woman who is supposedly the teacher of the class.

"Come here," the teacher said, signaling Emily to stand in front of the class. She follows the teacher's word without a doubt and stands straight in front of the class, having all of the attention on her. "Class, this is our new student," then the teacher looks at Emily, telling her "you may introduce yourself."

Emily finally moves her gaze from avoiding the students to finally laying her eyes on them, feeling a pit of anxious inside of her. "I am Emily Ryan, I was a hockey player at my old school and my favorite subject is geography."

Her eyes are casually roaming inside of the classroom, looking at the students in one swift move. She keeps a calm look on her face despite the fact that she is anxious inside.

"That's it?" The teacher not too far beside her asks with a small smile. Emily nodded minimally as an answer.

"My name is Ellery Lindsey. You can call me Ms. Ellery. I'm looking forward for out new student in this class."

Emily just reply with a small smile.

"Okay class, since she is new here, make sure to help her to familiarize herself with our school," the middle-aged woman said. Her students just respond with a loud "yes", barely giving attention to what's happening in front of the class now. "And Emily, don't be afraid to ask questions," the middle-aged woman continued.

Emily just gives a small smile and a nod as a response.

"Now, time for the seat," the teacher said in whispers, making it only audible enough to reach her ears.

"Emily," the teacher calls out that is loud enough to be heard by the whole class. Emily turns her face to look at her, giving the teacher her full attention.











"You can sit beside Mr. Harlan Hudson at the back of the class."










Well, that really catches the student's attention, doesn't it?