pizza delivery

She pushes the door, looking right and left before stepping her foot in. "Come in," she says to the boy behind her as she walks into the house. He closes the door behind him before following Emily's step, walking up the stairs.

Walking on the floor, the have a few more steps before meeting with Emily's room door. She opens the door, revealing her bedroom which he had seen and familiar about. "Come in," she says once again, looking at the boy as she walks further into the room, not looking at her way.

The boy steps her foot in as she puts her bag leaning against her study table.

Both of them stand frozen in their place, looking at each other.


The chill air in the room can be felt as well as the hints of awkwardness. Harlan is looking right at Emily with his puppy eyes, his mouth slightly gaping. She somehow feels an unfamiliar feeling in her chest, mix of warmness and excitement sparks, engulfing her heart.

The tip of her lips slightly go up, a sense of lightness can be seen on her face.

"Want to play board games?"


"Hey Liam, you are going home already?" The male figure calls as he bump his side onto Liam's. Liam looks at him before giving a nod, getting back into putting his stuff into his bag.

"Cameron is not with you today?" The male figure asks again. Liam shake his head, signaling that her bestfriend who is always with him is not present in the moment.

"You want to know something, Liam?" The male figure says as Liam zip his bag and wear it on one of his shoulder, turning his body to the guy. "You are suspicious nowadays," the guy says, looking straight at Liam.

Liam slightly cock her head to the side, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"The way you act is suspicious... do you perhaps like someone?" His heartbeat jolt up at the unexpected question. "No, I don't."

"Ah come on, it's obvious. Nowadays, you always looks happier than you usually are."

"No, I am still just the same. Do it looks like I smile more nowadays?"

"Not in front of me, but I can tell your mood is lighter than it usually is, and you used to be a tough team captain that is strict but you let things slide easily now. Not that I am complaining though," he says, putting hands up besides his ears.

Liam's gaze that was on the guy is now on the floor, silently thinking in his head. He put his gaze back on the guy again before opening his mouth. "I'm going home. Don't be late for practice tomorrow. I will be having a group project so you supervise the others," Liam says as he walks backwards.

The male figure just looks at Liam who is leaving him in the locker room as he finishes his sentence. "Okay!" The male figure shouts, although it might not reach Liam's ears.

The male figure turns back to his locker, opening it. "Guess I have some work to do tomorrow."

On the other hand, Liam is walking out of the school through the main gate, revealing the beautiful view of the school outside. This is what he most like about this town. It is beautiful. The people around here is quiet but at the same time almost everybody knows each other. The perk of living in a small town, I guess.

He walks on the pavement, as his head begins to wander around. What happen earlier, his friend's unexpected question really catches him off guard. "Do you perhaps like someone?" the question suddenly plays in his head once again.

He just let out a silent sigh, somewhat feeling defeated.

If he is being honest, at first he didn't even notice that he likes someone. His actions towards her feels so natural to him, that he didn't suspect himself at first. But as times passes, he himself notices how he occasionally smiles at her, and how his small actions are so different from the way he usually treat others.

That is when he realizes the way he sees her is a little bit different than the way he sees others. He doesn't know why, but it just happens. It just happens that.... he likes her.

He doesn't know. Probably it is the way she acts? If he wants to say it is the way she smiles, until now he didn't see any sincere smile from her. It is always just a smile in a form of politeness.

He doesn't really know. But what he is sure of is, he has this feeling to care for her. To take care of her. It is kind of odd, he knows, but it can't really be help.

Plus, what makes him more convinced that he has feelings for her is when he saw her, talking to Harlan again. Usually, he doesn't really bother with stuff like this, but she is not the type to make the first move to talk to someone. To see her doing something she isn't really known for to Harlan makes him feels... a little jealous.

Plus, it seems like the both of them is walking home together, which doesn't make the situation grows any better.

He silently sighs again.

He doesn't really know what to do.

He happens to like someone who he is supposed to help.

It all will be alright, right?


My bottom is sitting on the soft mattress of the bed as my eyes are looking at the card options in my hand.

"Here," Emily says as she puts down a blue numbered 7 card, changing the whole color of cards that should be put on.

I'm screwed.

She has like 3 cards left while I will have 5. However, the time has come to use my savior. I put down a +4 card on the pile of used uno cards.

A shocked expression form on her face as she lowly gasps. "Seriously?" she asks with a face of disbelief, however the tip of lips soon after appears.

"Urghhh.." she whines as she takes the 4 card from other two pile guarding the used pile. "What color do you want?" she asks, making me sign the color red to her.

Her eyes looks at her card to find the color I was requesting just to end up with another whine. "I don't have red."

She takes few other cards before finding the color and putting it on the used pile. "Okay, your turn," she says looking straight at me in the eye.

Feeling the tip of my lips rising, I put out a streak of cards on the pile. "Uno card, uno game," I sign.

She just look at me with her mouth gaping, frozen in her place. She continues to stare at me as I try to process what is she trying to do, causing us the stay in that situation for a minute.

"Congratulations," she suddenly says, her body moving once again. "Thank you." I feel my lips unwillingly form a small smile.

Her hand begins to reach for the cards that is sitting in front of us, taking it in her hand.

This is the third game we play. At first, we play some board games until it gets boring that we change to another game. She organize the cards, putting them back in their box.

Suddenly, she turns her head towards me. "Aren't you hungry?" I just look at her, giving her no response. She stands up, putting the card in her drawer before looking back at me again.

"Well, I'm hungry. So, I am going to order some food. How does that sound to you?"

Again, no response are able to be produce by me. She takes her phone that was resting on her table, turning it on. Her fingers move, tapping onto her screen a few times as she makes her ways towards her bed or you can say, my direction. With her eyes still plastered on her phone, she crawls onto the bed, making her way to sit besides me. There she is, showing what is displaying on her phone with me.

"Do you know any food delivery?"



Halle playfully gasp as her fingers begin to type.

"says the one who asks me help with homeworks"

"hey at least im trying to be better. not like that person who loves sitting in her bubble"

"excuse me?"

"why, sounds familiar?"

Halle's jaw drop as her tummy rest on the bed, resting comfortably in the position as her legs shakes in the air. Not seconds after, a smile begin to replaced her expression. He is indeed good at making comebacks.

She rolls her body on the bed, landing on her back as she giggles, loving how and the fact that his crush is talking to her. Knowing that him being teasingly mean, she knows she got his attention. Who would not love that?

She once again type on her phone, sending a simple text.


Not even seconds later, he sends her a text.

"hold up, i got work to do. probably go and find some hobbies"

With that, the sign of him being online disappears. A small smile form on her face reading his last mean text but a little disappointment could not be help but noticed by her.

"I wish he could talk to me longer."


On the other hand, Zach switch off his phone before shoving it into his pocket as a shy smile makes its way to his lips, driven by oxytocin roaming in his system. "Here it is," the owner of the restaurant says as he walks to Zach, giving him a box of beef pepperoni pizza along with some sides and beverage. "And the address," Zach talks to himself as he examine the address on a piece of receipt stick onto the plastic of the box.

"Seems like a new customer," he mumble, judging by the unfamiliar house address and the phone number given.

However, he does know where the house is since he knows the town inside out despite moving here when he was 14, which was 2 years ago.

He walks to his motorcycle, keeping the fresh hot pizza in the thermal bag, securing it during the ride. He ride his way on the road, not even that long of a time to reach The Oak. Riding his bike under the pleasantly shady trees, he finally slow down his track as he looks at the houses, finding the right house number for the order.

Looking to his right, he ride his bicycle in front of the house gate upon founding the right house. '54'. He rings on the bell as he pushes the motorcycle stand to the ground so that it stands on it's own without his support. He unzip the thermal bag and get the order in his hand, checking the address one last time. "Yup, I'm at the right house."

Seconds later, he notice a girl his age walks out of the front door, holding a sum of money in her hand. However, he couldn't help but notice how awfully familiar the girl is. A small frown form on his forehead as she gets closer and closer.

The girl look at him as her steps become slower, and eventually stops before she could even get into an approachable distance between him. Her face was a little bit hard to read, but it is definitely saying "what are you doing here?" type of face.

He upon noticing how she too recognized who he is, he is more sure that she is her, his old friend from his old school.
