¡Chapter 17¡

run out the hospital wing looking as the emergency button's sounds rings in my ear. Fantastic Zain.

I look back one last time and all the memories flood back. All the pain as I run away again.

A rush of adrenaline twinkles through me as I was now sprinting to my apartment. It was like a chase.

The apartment that was now isolated. I open the unlocked door which was no surprise to me. I am met by the coldness and harshness and the feeling of comfort in my house has now vanished.

I walk into my room whose floor went from a stained deep black to a striking deep red.

The sirens were like an alarm for me to let go and run. I get all my stuff and chuck them in. Phone. Food. Bottles of water. Cash. Card. All in the car. I see the police now turning the corner to my apartment so I start the engine and speed off. I lean forward to check the car pockets to find a hand gun and a few daggers. All I needed.