Chapter 1 - The beginning

Louise POV

Ringgg.....!!!!! I woke up because of the alarm clock, its already 7am its so hard to wake up but my class is too early, After 5mins I got up to get ready to go to school. My class is 8am so I still have time to get ready after 20mins I'm done to fix myself.

"Louise come down your gonna be late in your school the breakfast is ready." That's my nanny by the way I'm Louise Mongkhon but my friends called me Loui.

"I'm coming yaya." Actually only my parents and my nanny called me Louise I live here in the Philippines with my nanny and my parents is in abroad because of our family business, Well my family is one of the Richest in world so no wonder.

I went down for breakfast when I got there my nanny is busy preparing my breakfast "oh, there you are have a sit Louise." I sat down to eat actually I'm not used to eat alone so I always tell my nanny if she can eat with me.

"How about you yaya? Your not going to eat with me?" I ask her "go ahead I will eat later." After I finished my breakfast I got ready to go to school" yaya I'm leaving." I say a bid of goodbye to my nanny "okay be careful to drive."

The guard open the gate, we have a driver in case I don't want to drive but I'm not a kid so I can handle myself to go to school and besides I know how to drive.

After 30mins I got to school when I parked my car I saw soljie she's my friend since high school, we've been friends for a long time, I run towards to her immediately.

"Oh hi Loui your early today." She said when she saw me" I always come to school early it just sometimes its traffic that's why I'm late." I said to her

"I don't believe you if I know you stock yourself in your room and over think again about your past before you go to school HAHAHA." I look at her and poke her head actually she knows what happen to me in the past.

"Awww!!! it hurts." She said after I poke her head "its early in the morning don't start with me let's go before the witch professor caught us because were late she's terror you know." I said to her

When we entered the class room we saw the two of our friends are here its jiyoo and yoojin "there you are you two I'm looking for you guys." Jiyoo told us jiyoo is the most hardworking in school I'm not that lazy but compared to her, she gets angry when we get late or skip class because she doesn't want to graduate without us.

"Yeah she's right, jiyoo was so bothered thats why she keep calling you guys." Yoojin said while laughing at us.

"Its loui's fault she stay in her room again and start thinking you know what I mean." Soljie said to them "hey soljie don't start with me again I told you." She always tease me.

"Okay stop that let's sit because our professor is here." Yoojin restrain me and soljie

After one hour our first subject dismissed "I didn't understand what professor taught us." Soljie said "you didn't focus to our lesson that's why you don't understand." Jiyoo scold her because soljie is lazy that's why jiyoo always remind her to study our lessons.

"Where are we going now?" Yoojin asked "let's go to our favorite place besides we have two hours break before our next class "I told them we don't have any place to go that's why I invite them to our favorite spot here in our campus.

We were about to go to our destination when suddenly someone bumped into me, she almost fell, but I catch her "awww!! What the!! be careful next time, look what you are walking on." She said to me and I help her to stand up.

"I'm so sorry miss, I didn't notice you." She's so beautiful but she so snobby

"What do you think of me dwarf? You did not notice me, next time watch your steps." She said angrily she so beautiful when she's angry

"Oh stop that alright she said sorry to you okay your hot tampered." Her friend told us while laughing.

"because I'm not that small so how come she did not noticed me." She said angrily

"She said sorry okay by the way what's your name miss?" Her friend asked me who also beautiful.

"Loui, Louise Mongkhon." I said to her and smile.

"Loui I'm very sorry for my friend she has a bad day that why she's angry." Her friend told me, it so obvious that's why.

"Its alright its my fault tha-" I haven't finished from what I say when she walk out and stared at me sh*t she's really beautiful when she's pissed off.

"I'm sorry again she's just like that, by the way I'm Aireen, Aireen Yoon." She introduce herself to us.

"Nice to meet you Aireen, by the way this is my friends Jiyoo, yoojin and soljie." I introduce my friends to her

"Hi Aireen nice to meet you." Jiyoo said and give her hand to Aireen for hand shake.

"Hello Aireen." Yoojin greeted her while smiling

"Its good thing you are not as rude like your friend by the way nice to meet you." Soljie said and smile widely on her face like she won on lottery.

"Nice to meet you guys I'll go a head I really need to follow to her bye." Aireen said her goodbye to us and follow her friend.

"Okay bye Aireen see you around ." Soljie said to her "hey Loui earth you're out of your self you like that girl right? She's beautiful especially her friend." She said she's crazy.

"Of course not, I think your the one who like her friend." I said to her and dragged them to our favorite place.

"Don't pretend Loui the way you look at her it like she's going to melt like ice HAHAHAH." Yoojin added on what soljie told me.

"Alright stop that okay don't tease Loui." Jiyoo restrain us, its good that jiyoo always catch me when yoojin and soljie tease me.

After five minutes when we reach our destination "its too early for our first class and the next one is after two hours, I should really change my schedule so I don't have to waste my time by sitting here and waiting." Soljie said while sitting on bench.

"HAHAHAH you supposed to say your lazy to wake up early." Yoojin told her that's why we laugh.

"By the way guys are busy or do you have something to do after class?" Yoojin asked us

"Nothing, why?" I asked her

"My girlfriend invite me at the bar with her friends that's why I asked you guys if your not busy then you will come with me at the bar so you can meet them especially my girlfriend" yoojin said, wait girlfriend when she did start dating?

"Did I hear it right yoojin? Girlfriend! Wait when did you start dating? You didn't even tell us that your dating with someone." Jiyoo asked her in fact she did not mention to us that she courting someone.

"You still wonder about yoojin, I won't be surprised if she says she already have a eldest son HAHAHAH." Soljie laughed at us, she have a point.

"YAH!! Soljie you know you over thinking I will not get that point yet." She said while she looked soljie badly and soljie just laugh at her.

"So when did it start?" There is jiyoo who ask and she should know everything because if you don't say to her, she will scold you.

"Okay first last week we started dating, she also studied here, second we are busy so I forgot to mention you guys, so I invite you later to introduce to her." Yoojin explain to us these past few days were so busy because the graduation is coming that's why we need to finished our projects and thesis.

"Alright, we will come, just text us the bar where we will meet." I said to yoojin and the two agreed.

"Okay I'll tell to my girlfriend that you agreed to join us, so let's go to our next class maybe the professor will be there." Yoojin said and we got up to go to our next class.

Janella POV

I'm so annoyed, to the person who bumped me earlier, I almost fell and she said she didn't notice me, am I look like a dwarf? so she wouldn't notice me. I'm not that short 5'2 is my height so how come she didn't notice me.

"Until now your annoyed because of that person who bumped into you?" Aireen asked me, we are here now in the school cafe waiting for our two friends. They still have a class while Aireen and I just finished our class so here we are waiting for them.

"She just tell that she didn't notice me, I'm not that tall but I'm not that short." I said to her, I'm still annoyed.

"HAHAHAH don't mind her okay, your day will be ruined and besides she apologized to you right?" Aireen said while laughing

"What happen to her? Looked at her face its looks like good Friday, girl its still march the holy week is in april HAHAHA." Samantha teasing me

"Sam don't tease her, I think she had a bad day again right madam?" Jasmine told me they were here and I didn't realize they were coming because I was still very annoyed with the woman I bumped into.

"Jasmine your teasing her like sam , someone bumped into her so that's why she's in the bad mood" Aireen explain to them while I frowned and stared them and they laughed because they knew I really don't want to that.

"Let's not talk about that, I'm still annoyed." I told them

"Okay, by the way guys come with me later after our class." Jasmine invites us.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked her while eating the cake that we ordered earlier .

"My girlfriend wants to hang out and she invites her friends so I thought would you mind to join us later for fun." She said happily

"Seriously jasmine? We have a lots of projects because we are graduating, you want us to go to bar?" I asked her with in sarcastic tone, graduation is coming we feel stressed because of the projects and thesis then she want to go to bar.

"Jane there's nothing wrong if we join them, at least we can breath in those stressful project and thesis and besides just one night so come with us." She begged us I can't believe this woman.

"Alright, I'll come with you , you have a point, at least we can relax." Aireen agreed to her

"I'm in HAHAHA." Sam said while laughing

They suddenly looked at me and it seemed to say that I was not allowed to say no. They cornered me and I think I can't escape to them, so even though I didn't want to, Its looked like I need to say yes to them. "All right, I'm coming, I have no choice, right?" I said to them and they laugh.

"Okay so I will text my girlfriend that you agreed, well just meet you at the bar later." She said while we just nodded.