Chapter 59 - Ex

Louise pov

"Seriously boyo, nan is back?" Solji asks.

"And she's here in the philippines now?" Yoojin added

"When did she come and why we didn't know about this?." Jiyoo also added, while boyo was looking at me as if to say that I need to answered the questions of these three.

"Alright I'll explain everything since loui didn't know that nan was coming home here." When boyo spoke, that's why the three just listened to her.

"Nan arrives the day when loui and janella go to thailand, uncle marco send her here so she can help us at the hotel, she calls me before she goes here and asks for help because she wants to talk to loui and she wants to comeback their relationship but I refuse to help her because I know loui is happy now with janella." Boyo explained and these three were surprised, I know this is how they will react because they know who is nan in my life.

"So you've met yet?" Jiyoo asks me.