Chapter 61 - Talk to her

Louise pov

I'm on my on way now to the cafe where I can meet nan, I sent her a message that we will meet now so that we can end the things between the two of us, I don't want to prolong this so that she can't bother me and janella.

I want to bring janella with me but she refuses it, she says she wants nan and I to talk properly and she says she trust me so I have no choice but to agree.

I didn't realize that I had arrived at the cafe where nan and I would meet, so I immediately parked and got out of my car and went inside.

When I entered I immediately looked for nan and I saw her, I compose myself before I walk towards her, as I approached her, she also noticed me immediately and she immediately stood up to walk towards me and hug me but before she could do that I stopped her immediately.