Chapter 63 - Threat

Janella pov

"Hon lets go?" When loui asked me, we are going to their house because her parents invites us to have dinner with them, they arrived earlier and loui didn't pick them up at the airport because she had a meeting earlier so she just asked boyo pick up her parents in the airport.

Nan didn't bother us, after that encounter with her and when she and loui talked, she didn't show up anymore, maybe she was also clarified in the conversation she had with loui but I have this feeling that something is wrong, maybe I overthink of probabilities.

I also heard that jasmine and yoojin are ok now, after I talked to jasmine, she called us and told us that she and yoojin are ok now which we were happy about, I know she loves yoojin so much so she can't stand it.

"What time do your parents arrive tomorrow?" Loui asks me while she's driving.