Chapter 72 - Accident

Louise pov

Its already one week had passed when our company party and the unxpected engagement of janella and I, after the party her parents decided to go back to new zealand mean while my parents also returned to thailand with nan.

Nan and I already talked about us and she apologized to me for what she did and I apologize too so after our conversation we went back just like before not us a lover but friends she said that she will stay in thailand for good since that's also my dad wants and besides she need to fix about her parents death, me and my dad already told her what really happen to her parents so she decided to file a case against the teeradons, I told her if she needs help just call me .

Boyo is still here in the philippines, she said she wants to take a vacation before returning to thailand but I know anha is the reason why she is still here, she doesn't even want to admit that.