Chapter 74 - Present

Louise pov

"Honey wake up please." She calls me and tries to wake me up but I can't open my eyes because I feel weak and very tired so I still kept my eyes closed even though I wanted to stare to see the woman next to me.

"Hey honey wake up I know you heard me so please wake up I prepare your breakfast." She knows me very well so I didn't torture her anymore and I hugged her.

“Good morning beautiful." I said to her and I kissed her forehead.

“See you already wake up you just don't really want to wake up, you better get up now so we can have breakfast." She told me like a kid, I love teasing her so I always do that to her.

“Its too early to wake up, by the way why are you here don't you have an appointment with james aren't you taking care of the matter about your wedding so why are you here Ms. Nan chayanit? ” Yeah you heard and read it right its nan one of my bestfriend and my ex.